View Full Version : Grinder Workhead Rotation Direction?

Anorak Bob
19th August 2014, 11:34 AM
If I'm looking at the T and C grinder from the right hand end, the grinding wheel rotates counterclockwise. I never observed the workhead motor operating before I brought it home from Peter Fou's and I have subsequently dismantled and reassembled the motor. My assumption ( ? ) is that the motor would rotate in a clockwise direction. Seems straightforward BUT I recall a discussion a while back about my Dumore tool post grinder and the trouble I was having achieving an acceptable finish. A suggestion was made to reverse the lathe spindle rotation.

So my question is "when cylindrical grinding, in what direction does the workpiece rotate? "


19th August 2014, 11:55 AM
Same direction as the wheel head direction... If you look from the left hand side of the machine, the wheel head will spin clockwise, the workhead will also spin clockwise...

Peter Fou
19th August 2014, 12:18 PM

.RC. is correct with the rotation. Before you did the motor this is the way it rotated. Normally the work head is on the left hand side of the table if you are spinning the work-head and if you have a the chuck screwed on to the spindle the rotation of the spindle ensures that the chuck won't unscrew. Similarly, if you do a bit of cylindrical grinding between centres the direction is is as per a full blown cylindrical grinder, i.e. workpiece rotating upwards meeting the grinding wheel rotating downwards.


Anorak Bob
19th August 2014, 02:13 PM
Thank you Richard and Peter.
