View Full Version : Bench concept: vices and dogs

30th June 2005, 03:34 PM
I'm mulling around my ideas for a good bench layout. I currently have a Veritas twin screw vice installed on a bench with a 'temporary' top made from an old door sporting light blue flakey paint, covered with a sheet of particle board. I have the veritas sliding tail vice, so I want my new benchtop to have the traditional row of dog holes (square) along the front. These would be adequate for working on long thin pieces, but when trying to work on wide surfaces, I would think a second row of dog holes would be useful. Work could then be clamped by the tail vice, and a proposed extra vice with a flip-up dog.

What do people think of this arrangement?

30th June 2005, 04:06 PM
Interesting...doesn't the twin screw usually go on the end of the bench giving you what you're trying to achieve with the extra vise?


30th June 2005, 04:06 PM
Hmm, it seems to me that you have it aroung the wrong way. I'd have the shoulder vise the way it is but the twin screw on the end to allow you to clamp wide pieces
Not sure how two different vises clamping the same piece would go............

30th June 2005, 04:08 PM
Great minds Lefty....

30th June 2005, 04:27 PM
The twin screw was my first, and still is my only, vice. I've sort of gotten used to it for a face vice, and kind of want to keep it that way, especially since I've already got the tail vice screw. The 'normal' vices that I see in bunnies always seem so flimsy by comparison...

30th June 2005, 05:21 PM
I'd flog the tail vise and get another twin screw for the end. Either that or get another tail vise for the other side. What you propose will no doubt work but if you are buying a new vise anyway...

30th June 2005, 05:50 PM
I'd flog the tail vise and get another twin screw for the end. Either that or get another tail vise for the other side. What you propose will no doubt work but if you are buying a new vise anyway...
That's an idea that appeals. The tail vice thing looks quite tricky to install, especially as the thing comes with no instructions whatsoever. One of the few Lee-Valley purchases that are disappointing in that regard:mad:

30th June 2005, 07:23 PM
The tail vice thing looks quite tricky to install, especially as the thing comes with no instructions whatsoever. One of the few Lee-Valley purchases that are disappointing in that regard

here's page 2 of the instructions.
I'll need to resize page 1 before I post it
I got them from LV customer service when I was looking to install a tail vice.

As to your design ...
may I suggest a row of dog hole across the bench in line with the holes on the face vise.
may I als suggest using a bench dog or pup in place of the second end vise.


30th June 2005, 11:17 PM
Ian: thanks for that info, should be very useful.

A line of holes to match the face vice is an excellent idea.

Not sure what you mean by putting a bench dog or pup in place of the second end vise. Don't you still need something to actually do the clamping?

30th June 2005, 11:29 PM
Lee Valley make a clamp called a wonder dog.
To use one you drop it in a round bench dog hole and do up the clamp.
much simplier and more versitile than a second vise


30th June 2005, 11:32 PM
Another excellent suggestion Ian. Many thanks :)

I wonder about how high the wonder dogs sit above the bench. Traditional dogs can be set as low as you like (I often find myself planing quite thin pieces for small boxes, etc). These are limited my the thickness of the brass blocks, yes?

1st July 2005, 12:10 AM
according to LV's web site 5/8 in.
However, you could always use a spacer under a thinner piece.

12th July 2005, 01:30 PM
Not having a tail vise, I've investigated these wonder dogs, and even made something similar from wood.

Thers a serious downside, and that is the height of the thing above the bench, as was mentioned. I find that puttin a spacer in seems introduce too much leverage. And besides, I wouldnt want to whack a chisel or plane on the steel/brass.

I still havent solved this problem, I might just buy and fit a tail vise.

12th July 2005, 01:54 PM
I still havent solved this problem, I might just buy and fit a tail vise.
Damn the expense! Fit an extra twin screw to the end, and put a swiss-cheese patern of holes on your bench. With a couple of wonder dogs, you'll hold anything! Check out MajorPanic's ideas - at last count he had about 5 vises! :D

12th July 2005, 01:58 PM
My Bench has a base of welded steel. Fitting a vises is not an easy undertaking

12th July 2005, 01:58 PM
Not having a tail vise, I've investigated these wonder dogs, and even made something similar from wood.

Thers a serious downside, and that is the height of the thing above the bench, as was mentioned. I find that puttin a spacer in seems introduce too much leverage. And besides, I wouldnt want to whack a chisel or plane on the steel/brass.

I still havent solved this problem, I might just buy and fit a tail vise. Height above, and ironmongery on, the bench are significant stumbling blocks for me too. I'm going to look out for twin screw tail vices at the Adelaide WW show.

Anyone want to buy a shoulder vice? mint in the box!