View Full Version : Orla - Hebridian II

10th October 2014, 05:03 PM
Well progress has been made and although I wasn't going to show it till it was finished I decided as this weekend being our 39th wedding anniversary its close enough to completed.

Orla as Sue has named her (yes all her 3 other wheels have names also) has taken 4 yrs 9 months to get to this stage not constant work being done in fact its only this year after passing Isla the original hebridian wheel back did I knuckle down.

Have to thank Claw hammer for his 3/4 wood threading kit to thread the adjustment knob and the two castle wheel supports I decided to use them to thread the ends and fit a lock nut under side.
Fletty for playing domino's and T&G the wheel itself saving me the time to haunch M&T. he also supplied some of the English Oak.

Still much to do but a lot less now

10th October 2014, 05:24 PM
all I can say Ray Is
but I love your work
Jen sends her best to Sue

10th October 2014, 05:31 PM
all I can say Ray Is
but I love your work
Jen sends her best to Sue

Hi Graham where's ya been hidding?

have you heard the saying "Never Again" :roll:

Sadly after 28 years the demise of the spinners guild Sue was a member of as of today it just maybe the last ever.

Thanks Jen will pass it on ...........Sue says hi back.

Old Croc
10th October 2014, 10:07 PM
Wow, that should keep that fabulous cake coming. :2tsup: Very nice work Ray. If I ever get the new lathe running I have to do a similar job for someone, but its a bit bigger in diameter than yours.

11th October 2014, 12:52 AM
Looking good so far Ray. What have you used for the flyer bearing. I keep meaning to make a spinning wheel and have had a set of plans for the Shetland Spinning Wheel, but like most things it got put on the to do list. Not sure if I am up to all that duplicate turning

11th October 2014, 07:12 AM
Wow, that should keep that fabulous cake coming. :2tsup: Very nice work Ray. If I ever get the new lathe running I have to do a similar job for someone, but its a bit bigger in diameter than yours.

Richard thanks.
I was hoping more for tools n wood :U cake only makes me put on inches.

Still haven't got that lathe running yet? Is that a bigger wheel or lathe or cake dia :rolleyes:

11th October 2014, 07:22 AM
Looking good so far Ray. What have you used for the flyer bearing. I keep meaning to make a spinning wheel and have had a set of plans for the Shetland Spinning Wheel, but like most things it got put on the to do list. Not sure if I am up to all that duplicate turning

Thanks Derek.

No bearings all traditional leather flyer supports, steel shaft (I didn't turn the shaft, didn't have the Myford at the time although I had to alter it). The wheel axle runs on the Oak Castle. We had discussed modernising using bearings I got a resounding :no:.

The Shetland wheel is so much easier I think less in duplication of spokes anyway. Sue has a Wee Peggy which is similar and a Sickenger (an Australian wheel) the Tyrolian is mainly show as its to light and flimsy..

11th October 2014, 07:34 AM
Looks good Ray. Getting those spokes in must have been 'fun'

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

11th October 2014, 08:07 AM
Thanks Derek.

No bearings all traditional leather flyer supports, steel shaft (I didn't turn the shaft, didn't have the Myford at the time although I had to alter it). The wheel axle runs on the Oak Castle. We had discussed modernising using bearings I got a resounding :no:.

The Shetland wheel is so much easier I think less in duplication of spokes anyway. Sue has a Wee Peggy which is similar and a Sickenger (an Australian wheel) the Tyrolian is mainly show as its to light and flimsy..

Thanks for that Ray I used the word bearing in a loose manor, it is the same as the shetland in that it also uses leather as a bearing material

11th October 2014, 09:06 AM
Looks good Ray. Getting those spokes in must have been 'fun'

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

Dave after hours of marking them, altering the spokes made 4 years ago I had made them OS, setting the hole spacing, drilling then when first fit happened :oo: nothing lined up and a spoke got broken by Sue :C. A quick replacement made :U and left over night to calm down:~

While Sue was at her final spinners group (they have closed the doors after 39 yrs) I sat and slowly worked the wheel feloes and spokes together 3 times I had to undo before getting the right combination of spoke to hole line up I took photos and when it all completed will do a full post on the blog. Once it lined up it was easy slow but easy.

Today I have to true up the out side dia 17" just under.

11th October 2014, 09:10 AM
Thanks for that Ray I used the word bearing in a loose manor, it is the same as the shetland in that it also uses leather as a bearing material

:doh: I should have work that one out myself

Derek many of them use the leather some newer ones a plastic or nylon race I have some Aussie psudo Lignum I had considered using or even Huon Pine both naturally oily hard wearing or Jarrah. Brass squeaks if not maintained bronze better.

11th February 2015, 01:54 PM
Well Murphy visited me not long after my last post here, Orla's (Sue's name for her wheel) main wheel was almost completed I just had to true the outer Dia :C just about there when it all went A-up something moved while in the chuck still not sure what but it made truing the wheel impossible. It had a wobble and out of round situation, no matter what I tried where I placed clamping of the chucks Cole Jaws the outer Dia would not get near true. Inner Dia was fine even the Hub.

This all happened the day before Fletty decided to challenge a router to a dual. So Orla was put aside as Christmas was drawing close and January is a busy time till February due to birthdays.

Alan had to have time to heal and I had things to make for presents. Alan cut and rough rounded the Oak felloes.

About 4 weeks ago Alan dropped off the new Felloes :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Yesterday I was able to make another start on main wheel No2 this time attacking things a little different.
Instead of wheel fully assembled with spokes and hub I am just turning the felloes and so far so good just the outer dia grove for the dive belt to go some sanding, then mark out the spokes drill the holes and assemble.

There is still some other bits to do on the flyer and lining up wheel, whorl, and a test run.
I'll leave photos till its all done though.

4th March 2015, 07:26 PM
At last all together and at the test run stage some fine tuning and minor fixes to do but its closer :B Thanks to Fletty for the new felloes yes its still English oak but the stark colour difference lends to the quirkiness so Sue tells me (not what she said the other day).

Last pic is other side of the wheel the colour difference is amazing.

5th March 2015, 05:16 AM
For anyone else who wouldn't know a felloe even if it bit them on the ankle:


6th March 2015, 04:01 PM
Nice to see it is finally finished. Quite a bit of difference in colour.

When are you starting on the third one or was that the forth? :U

6th March 2015, 06:00 PM
Nice to see it is finally finished. Quite a bit of difference in colour.

When are you starting on the third one or was that the forth? :U

Here's the full story Christos http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/hebridian-ii-finally-finished.html

Well if you are asking if this is the 3rd or 4th I have made its the first. If you are asking if its Sue's 3rd or 4th it will be her fourth the others have come into the family by ways and means some bought one passed on.

OR are you asking me to make you one cause spinning wood is dirty work and you wish to do something much cleaner and quieter and ..........:q

6th March 2015, 06:15 PM
......OR are you asking me to make you one cause spinning wood is dirty work and you wish to do something much cleaner and quieter .......

As you are taking orders.

+1 Please.

8th March 2015, 08:57 AM
Incredible commitment & perseverance, Ray. Quite inspiring. Now that's an heirloom.


8th March 2015, 09:42 AM
As you are taking orders.

+1 Please.

Only when I listen to her. :p

I guess you're going to need one Christos :;

14th March 2015, 05:33 PM
:D Happy to report all has gone well with only some minor adjustments to be done.

Sue has been giving Orla a thorough test run of both whorls as the ratio on each is different. I have a resounding :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: as the ratios have produce a fine thread finer than a spun cotton thread. This means Sue will be attempting to make another Wedding Ring shawl (do a google).

I have now to make a larger whorle so Sue can spin thicker this will also mean larger bobbins for capacity of fibre spun :doh: no hurry though might get it done by 2020 LOL.