View Full Version : Christmas Gift Ideas - Everyones Input

16th October 2014, 12:54 AM
Normally when I get around to thinking of making something for Christmas as a gift, the actual date has already passed. Sometimes we need a little push or inspiration that will spark our creativity.

This year I am thinking that I might actually get to make something before the actual date. And I figured that there might be others out there that also need a little inspiration.

So I want people to post photos of their past Christmas gifts that they made for someone. How they went about making it and what challenges they faced. Does not matter what is it, weather you turned the item on the lathe, used chisels and planes for flat work, carved out a sculpture, used machinery, made something out of metal, welded something, used plastic or even leather.

It does not matter what you used or what material you made it from or even if you had posted it on this forum in the past. Post a photo again in this thread, it just might inspire someone to make something.

Those of us that are time restricted might just be able to complete before the 25th of December. And after the 25th of December it would be nice to see what people made.

I would also expect that some might have already started and concluded an item and it might not be a good idea if that was posted on the forum before it was given to the intended person. :U

Just over two months to go before Christmas.

16th October 2014, 09:25 AM
Damn I thought you were taking orders for OUR Christmas gifts :q.

Basicly if its been made during the year and its worth giving as a gift and the right person deserves it they get it. I match the gift to the persons needs.............rolling pins, fruit bowl, decorative bowl, pen/s, vase.

Now some look at this as a cheap gift in other words no real value. I t was pointed out that one gift I gave to a family member I had been offered $160 for at a wood show :U.

Its strange though how gifts bought at some cheap bargain stores made in Asia for $2 seem to have more appeal :roll:

I know what I am buying Fletty :rolleyes: for Christmas this year he needs them desperately http://tomsworkbench.com/2011/06/22/don%E2%80%99t-get-your-feathers-ruffled/

The Bleeder
16th October 2014, 11:24 AM

Who do you give rolling pins to.....MIL:o


Try the reverse....send them a piece of timber and see what comes back.....:doh:

16th October 2014, 01:29 PM
Unfortunately I haven't taken many photos of these items but some of the things we have been making at the RSL Care weekly mens gathering might suit.
These items will be sold at their annual fete next month.

Tea Candle holders
There are several designs based on drilling holes in wood using a large forester bits to hold the small cheap glass tea candle holders ($5 for a dozen) from iIkea.
- gum leaf shapes made out of Jarrajh floor board off cuts.

Those in the picture below are some I made out of WA reg gum firewood a few years ago
Using the Ikea glass candle holder inserts is a bit safer


- If you look at the gum leaf shapes above you can see how they could be cut as YingYang shapes.
We made them out of pine and Jarrah as contrasting pieces.
- small cookies (cross sections) of branches
- taller sections of branches.

Sliding and swing top pencil cases made out of scrap ply.

- chinese checker styles based on pieces of loose dowel slotted into in patterns of holes in wooden blocks
- This unfinished pythagorean puzzle apparently can be made in 268 different ways.


rob streeper
16th October 2014, 02:56 PM
This is a carving of my wife's family crest, presented to her father '10.

16th October 2014, 03:20 PM
Damn I thought you were taking orders for OUR Christmas gifts :q.

Gee Christos, I'll be happy with whatever you decide to make for me, THANK YOU... not anything too big or extravagant; just some nicely figured timber turned on your lathe say into a little dish....:D.........:rolleyes:...............Cheers, crowie

artful bodger
16th October 2014, 04:01 PM
Since family re-unions at xmas time can bring out the best in all that a happy family is, they can also bring out the worst in the form of arguments.
Why not give that some one special an edge if your family is prone to the odd quarrel.
Might just trump a rolling pin.

16th October 2014, 05:44 PM

Who do you give rolling pins to.....MIL:o


Try the reverse....send them a piece of timber and see what comes back.....:doh:

As MiL is 90 yrs and in nursing home I'm safe ............

Gave one to daughter last year.
Made one for Fletty's ex-SiL have to make 3 more now LOL.

16th October 2014, 07:40 PM
This is a carving of my wife's family crest....

How long did it take you to complete the carving?

16th October 2014, 08:02 PM
In the past I've done a blackboard and sandpit for my little monster, but this year I'm hoping to do a bunch of nicer things for adults...a jewellery box, some rustic photo/mirror frames, little keepsake boxes and whatever else I can come up with in a very short time.

I'm also thinking about doing Steve Ramsey's Plinko toy (http://youtu.be/CDAbVpCc4dk?list=UUBB7sYb14uBtk8UqSQYc9-w) in between doing super finishes on the above ideas.

I've landed a lot of really nice blackwood off-cuts from work, and a gorgeous length of heavy birdseye bw too, so I'm hoping to do a few little things with it all.

Time will tell...

...and so far all it tells is that I don't have time for personal hygiene let alone making masterpieces :q

rob streeper
17th October 2014, 05:47 AM
How long did it take you to complete the carving?

It was my first and so far only venture into carving. I stretched the process out over about 8 months, consuming probably about a week of effort. Ebony is some hard carving.

17th October 2014, 11:37 PM
I've done a few rolling pins, a barometer and some chopping boards which always go well but recently I've had a go at toy planes. They seem to be a hit for a few friends young boys.


18th October 2014, 08:12 AM
I've done a few rolling pins, a barometer and some chopping boards which always go well but recently I've had a go at toy planes. They seem to be a hit for a few friends young boys.


G'Day Lewis, Yep Pee hand made wooden toys.....Please add a new thread to the toymaking section as your beaut little plane is tops..Cheers, crowie

18th October 2014, 04:36 PM
It was my first and so far only venture into carving. I stretched the process out over about 8 months, consuming probably about a week of effort. Ebony is some hard carving.
A week's effort? Well done. :2tsup:

19th October 2014, 12:10 PM
I always find that picture frames are generally well received.

They are easy to make and you can use some really nice timber because you don't need huge pieces to make them.

Mat boards and backing boards are pretty cheap to get on ebay and glass is economical as well. To make it even cheaper you can use recycled timber.

I have some before and during pics here of two recycled redgum frames . I haven't got a finished pic just yet. Sorry about the picture quality, they are from my phone.

http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af244/nitro50th/DSCN2197_zpsb37ab269.jpg (http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/nitro50th/media/DSCN2197_zpsb37ab269.jpg.html)
http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af244/nitro50th/2014-10-11145117_zpscff4730d.jpg (http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/nitro50th/media/2014-10-11145117_zpscff4730d.jpg.html)
http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af244/nitro50th/DSCN2214_zpsb7dd796c.jpg (http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/nitro50th/media/DSCN2214_zpsb7dd796c.jpg.html)

20th October 2014, 01:45 PM
Often the simple ideas are the best.

1st November 2014, 12:08 PM
Hi Christos,
Whenever I am asked to "make something for the fete", I turn out these business card holders. I run off long lengths to the section. bulk drill them with a forstner bit and cut them to length. Drop a marble in the hole and they're done!
This one is black heart sassafras but any spectacular timber will do. They must be popular because they usually sell out?

329816 329817 329818 329819


1st November 2014, 02:21 PM
329816 329817 329818 329819

Do you angle the hole to stop the marble from coming out easily with normal usage?

1st November 2014, 02:33 PM
Do you angle the hole to stop the marble from coming out easily with normal usage?

Yes, the hole is square to the front (and back) faces so that it slopes down when the card holder stands on its base