View Full Version : In rememberence of family members

4th December 2014, 09:29 PM
nothing to do with wood, work etc but something very different

www.eternity (http://www.eternity.com.au) memorials.com.au (http://eternitymemorials.com.au/) also facebook & youtube

EDITED by ubeaut 05/12/2014 1:06 PM to fix link

4th December 2014, 10:39 PM
Thx fly. That worked. Maybe something for me to look into more soon

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

4th December 2014, 11:49 PM
Have you seen the other aolternative is where they use ashes to make diamonds.
They sieve the fine particles out and put them in a press and make diamonds from it.
Its another alternative for some people.

Here's one

5th December 2014, 06:32 AM
That might be of interest to my sister-in-law. My brother has terminal cancer and may only have a few months