View Full Version : When are the next specials? Carbatec?

12th December 2014, 01:30 PM
Anyone happen to know the usual cycles of Jet suppliers? I want to make a purchase (major) and don't want to be caught out.

I've found the uselessness of 30 day post purchase guarantees with Masters.... They simply don't honor them.

12th December 2014, 02:37 PM
Carbatec have a 12 days of Christmas sale on currently, with a new item every day prior to Christmas. However, I don't believe that it will suffice for your major purchase.

Further, their December newsletter has a 10% voucher for this month.

12th December 2014, 02:47 PM
Oops, thanks for correcting my post. Sometimes my enthusiasms become vigorous.

Anyone have the CT voucher code? Karma. I deleted the newsletter thinking I wouldn't use it.

What I was keen to avoid is the simple situation where one buys a thing and finds it at substantial discount a few days later...in this case it was 4 clamps and the discount amounted to $44. A small number, but it irritated me to apoloplexy when they refused to honor their own so called guarantee. No other reason than "no". Even when probed and asked why..."no". I despise Masters now.

With the Jet buy, I'm keen on a combo disk/belt sander. It's about $800 now and should one of the Jet suppliers have a pre/post Xmas, new year, boxing day, "noreason" sale typically ....then I can work with that.

I love a good buy and a well haggled price, but there is little negotiated sales culture in Australia and it leaves me deflated. I like the feeling of knowing a deal was struck...not just cash handed over to a faceless corporation :)

Of course, if someone has one second hand, you can be my new hero! :U

12th December 2014, 06:52 PM
No voucher code, and only redeemable in-store.:?

15th December 2014, 06:45 PM
Just go to the store, grab the catalogue and on second page there is the voucher
Thats how I've done my purchase last week.. :)