View Full Version : Jacaranda

10th November 2001, 07:19 AM
Well it's exam time again and my backyard and pool are covered with a layer of purple petals.

Which got me to thinking (a dangerous thing to do at the best of times) is Jacaranda good for anything apart from making the Kreepy Krauly work harder?

Any ideas?


"Beer is proof that God loves us,
and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

10th November 2001, 12:01 PM
Very nice timber - especially for woodturning but don't expect to find too many turners who is willing to pay for it, most are tight as fishes a****holes and the're water tight.

11th November 2001, 03:00 PM

Turning!! Ok I'll keep my Dad in mind as he is beginning to get into turning. It'll be a few years before the purple carpet gets on my nerves too much, and by then there should be some nice stuff to give him.


"Beer is proof that God loves us,
and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

12th November 2001, 03:29 PM
Janac. I would be happy to purchase some Jacaranda from you for a fair price for woodturning. If only to prove U wrong!(probably tight 'cause we have to save our pennies to buy large quantities of TripleEEE & Shellawax to keep him quiet!)
There is a catch to all this(isn't there always?.) You are in Brisbane and I am in Healesville Victoria, so it would probably cost more than the wood is worth to freight it down.However there is an outside chance that we may come through Brisbane next winter on a caravan trek north. So cut it into 1m lengths seal the ends and store it in a dry airy environment. Faliing that give it to your Dad. Regards. John H.

cliff cook
13th November 2001, 11:57 PM
janac mate the old jackaranda is great for turning , i`ve got one in the front yard thats over 30 years old. Although the purple carpet is a pain i`ve kept myself in timber by lopping off a limb every now and then (the excuse i use is that it is to close to the power/fence whatever)
My only bitch is that when it gets really dry the end grian tearout is a real swine.

14th November 2001, 07:09 AM
I hadn't thought of the old use as it grows process..

I would say that this tree is at least 30 yrs old according to the neighbours who have been here since 68.

The three big trees in the yard are the Jacaranda, a Silky Oak and the biggest LillyPilly I have ever seen in my life.

I'm just biding my time for now. It's just good to know that the wood one day will live beyond the life of the tree (if you know what I mean)hehe..