View Full Version : CBN wheel for shaping

21st February 2015, 05:50 PM

I've currently got 46 and 80 grit white wheels on my grinder but whenever I need to reshape a tool or change the bevel angle the grinding takes forever .... and I'm sick of the dust generated from dressing the wheel all the time :)

so I'm thinking of getting an CBN wheel to reshape turning tools. I was wondering what grit size would be most appropraite for this - my reading suggests 80? I'm happy to continue to use the 80 grit white wheel for resharpening at this stage - the CBn would only be for major grinding ....

many thanks,

21st February 2015, 06:03 PM
Paul, I run Woodcut 80# for reshaping and 180# dry and wet (Tormek), for sharpening.

The 80# requires a soft hand and eats HSS.

Jim Carroll
21st February 2015, 06:26 PM
Kosh the 80g (http://www.cwsonline.com.au/shop/item/vicmarc-200mm-x-40mm-x-80g-cbn-wheel) is ideal for reshaping all HSS turning tools , as Pat indicates light hands are still needed as you can wear away the tool very quickly.

THe 180g (http://www.cwsonline.com.au/shop/item/vicmarc-200mm-x-40mm-x-180g-cbn-wheel)is the ideal wheel for sharpening the tool but again light hands are needed.

21st February 2015, 06:37 PM
Just adding a question to this thread .... is 180 fine enough for a keen edge?

I have seen some CBN wheels as fine as 320. Is 320 overkill?

Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art

Jim Carroll
21st February 2015, 10:23 PM
180 is fine enough for turning tools

280 is what is used on the tormeks for finer finishes for tools that require a better finish

21st February 2015, 11:10 PM
I use the 180 for all sharpening. It is excellent.

It would be fantastic to have something finer than this, say 320.

The coarser ones need a light touch. The 80 is unbelievable for grinding and reshaping. As Jim says, very light touch! You can see the HSS vaporising in front of your eyes!

22nd February 2015, 09:04 AM
I agree with evanism - I have a 180 grit on my Tormek 1200 and it is brilliant. I do use the leather wheel to give my skews a final hone.

22nd February 2015, 07:46 PM
thankyou everyone for your replys and information - much appreciated. It looks like the 80 grit will do what I need for now.

bye for now,

Don McLeod
23rd February 2015, 03:40 AM
The 180 is a good grit for sharpening and I suspect you will need nothing finer. A light touch is also required. Reed Gray (AKA Robo Hippy)an american wood turner has written an excellent article on CBN wheels and can be found at this link.