View Full Version : Phillip Island

25th March 2015, 10:15 PM
Looks like I have a few spare brownie points and could even get to the Phillip Island activity this year. Where can I get some details?


26th March 2015, 12:06 AM
PM sent

26th March 2015, 07:22 PM
Contact made, thanks for the help.


26th March 2015, 07:39 PM
See you there Jim. I won a freebie at last years DUTA.

4th December 2015, 03:41 PM
Are there any details as yet on the 2016 DUTA. I would love to attend if I can time work early enough.
Thanks in advance.

5th December 2015, 07:44 AM
Its a wonder Jim isn't asked to go as a demonstrator his works of art with segmentation should have him top of the list.

5th December 2015, 11:12 AM
Hi Graeme,
You can contact :
Caroline Talbot,
59 567300,

[email protected]

Wheelin, they don't have Demonstrators as such, but sometimes, when one of our Great Turners, & there are a few, is asked how to do something, well, then there is a bit of a Demo on.
I know we have 3 Internationals, that attend & there is not a problem that anyone of them is only too willing to help out.
Then there are all the others who are also good Turners.
I can think of another 6 who could also help out.
The Turners come from all over, NZ, NSW, QLD, SA, & the rest are from Vic.
About 5 Ladies, & in Total 130 People.
Then we have Irene & Jim with all their Goodies, as well as Pauline & Neil, of UBeaut, & Les with all his For Sale Wood.
So we have an Excellent Weekend, except it clashed with the Melb,. Ww Wood Show.
Enough said.