View Full Version : Bottlebrush Grinders

15th April 2015, 06:02 PM
This was inspired by a post from Sawdustmaker sometime ago where he suggested a grinder made out of an unturned log.
I didn't want to go that far , but wanted to see what a bit of bottlebrush with the bark on it would look like. Unfortunatly the wood didn't grow perfectly round so I couldn't get the bark all the way round . These were supposed to be a pair but the one on the left is fatter . If I had turned it to the same diameter I would have lost all the bark . I'll call them similar . I don't much like the shape but I was working within the constraints of the bark .I am also concerned as to weather the bark will stand up to the handling of a grinder .I stabilised the grey perimeter of the bark with CA glue since it was slightly furry on turning . I gave them four coats of DO which soaked well in and the bark now feels quite firm .
We have a club sale on next week and I'll see if they create any interest . If not I can always recycle the mechanisms.
Thanks Nick for the idea.

16th April 2015, 03:30 PM
I like the idea of keeping some of the bark.