View Full Version : Rocking chair leg broke off at base rocker- help!

16th May 2015, 05:54 PM
The leg tapered at the end to fit into a recessed hole in the rocker base. This leg snapped off at the fitting to the base.

I can drill out the hole clean but what should I do to be able to refit the leg.

I have thought of drilling up into the leg to fit a dowel say half the diameter of the leg at the snapped of end and then the other end of the dowel being the correct diameter for the rocker base to fit the existing hole that I will clean out. Glue these connections.

Or to give strength I could machine a piece of steel instead of dowel the 2 different diameters to fit into a smaller hole up into the leg end and the other steel end into the rocker base.

I am not strong in my wood working skills but know I can do the options I have discussed and the neighbour has a metal lathe to machine a metal dowel.

Ideas / Opinions welcome.

