View Full Version : Online Woodworking Contest

10th March 2002, 07:53 PM
Artist or Amateur, you be the judge!

For those woodworkers connected to the web and confident enough to unleash their creativity onto an unsuspecting cyber community, Arbortech have announced the launch of their first "People's Choice" Online Woodworking Contest.

With a total prize pool in excess of A$2,500.00 the competition is open to all woodworkers in all woodcraft disciplines (woodcarvers, woodturners, furniture makers and general woodworkers).

The competition is open now and entries will be accepted until July 31st. Voting will be open during the month of August giving visitors to the site plenty of time to make their choice! Winners will be featured on Arbortech's website in September 2002 and various international woodworking magazines in the months before Christmas.

For more information, or to enter online, visit Arbortech's website at http://www.arbortech.com.au/woodmain.html.