View Full Version : Silky Oak Fingerboard?

28th June 2015, 02:05 AM
Hi all,

I'm well aware that silky oak isn't exactly the hardest thing out there, but with a fender-style finish over the top (like on their maple fingerboards) would it be possible to use as a fingerboard?

I have a great looking piece that I've just salvaged from a big old wardrobe that is the perfect size for a bass project of mine currently, and I'd much prefer using it than a comparatively boring chunk of jarrah I have that would need a fair bit of resawing.


28th June 2015, 02:44 PM
I had a maple necked Strat many years ago......didn't wear very well at all.

I'd go for something harder for a fretboard......if you want something Australian then check out some of the desert woods.

28th June 2015, 08:21 PM
Thought that might be the case. I'll stick with the jarrah that I have, it's certainly hard enough, and I'm trying to refrain from buying new timber when I already have something suitable around. I might use the silky oak as a border to spice things up a bit, similar to this:


Then I can have some of the nice grain there without it being in the firing line of string wear