View Full Version : Back with a Fox

Bob H
26th July 2005, 05:29 AM
Been away for a bit but here is my (our) latest.

Another Can-Aussie cooperative production.

This is a Red Fox common in North America.

My Australian partner produced the pattern from a photo I had taken a number of months back. You might note the photo was in winter and had snow.

The snow disappeared pretty quickly when it got to Down Under's 40+ heat.

Tree is pine, grass is poplar,fox is Western red cedar with Aspen (white) and ebony (eyes & snout).

Very imaginative pattern designing don't you think?

26th July 2005, 08:29 AM
Excellent pattern and lovely work! Incidentally SWMBO and I were walking in Auburn botanical gardens (in Sydney's western suburbs) a week ago when suddenly a fox streaked past us and disappeared into the shrubbery. We thought about dobbing him in to the park ranger but decided not to. They are probably wondering why the duck population in the park is not increasing.


26th July 2005, 03:29 PM
Hi Bob

Top job ... as usual! :) And just love your timber selection for the project. Great to see your work again ;)

Tikki :)

26th July 2005, 10:19 PM
Hi Bob,

Good see you have been busy again. And as usual great work.
Your mate in Aussie could do well if he ever decides to sell his plans to the rest of the world.


27th July 2005, 09:36 AM
Great work on the fox, very nice pattern