View Full Version : New to wood turning New to this site

5th August 2015, 03:04 PM
Good day everybody I bought an HF Central Machines lathe back in May and have been turning out a few pieces
I'm not from down under but have met quite a few people from your country on other forums and you're all a friendly bunch.
I've been a cabinet maker for over 35 years and thought I would try my hand a turning we've just opened our own web site to sell my wears. I make outdoor Cedar adirondack chairs - Furniture,bowls, lamps, vases, candle stick holders and I paint canvases in acrylic and make frames as well.
Here's a few shots of what I've been up to since May.

5th August 2015, 03:09 PM
I wasn't sure how many photos this site was going to let me post at a time but it looks like a great site for that
here's some more photos.


5th August 2015, 03:13 PM
And some more photos.


5th August 2015, 03:17 PM
And still some more photos.


5th August 2015, 03:24 PM
And more


dai sensei
5th August 2015, 03:58 PM
Welcome to the forums :2tsup:

artful bodger
5th August 2015, 08:45 PM
Hi Splinterz25'
Wow! what a smorgasboard,
There is sure some interesting looking timbers there that many of us antipodean folk don't see everyday. Be nice to know what some of em are? especially the really figured ones. Like frinstance ...not the last pic but the 5 before that?
Welcome to the forum.

Old Croc
5th August 2015, 09:21 PM
Hi Bruce,
Welcome to the Forum from Down under. I recently watched your tutorial on the Pagoda box on Sawmill Creek, very interesting. BTW which state are you in?

5th August 2015, 11:52 PM
Good day once again and thank you for the grand welcome.

I started w/ soft wood Cedar, Aspen & Pine these bowls,vase are all turned from boards.
The dark vase is 16.5' x 8" and is 9 pieces of Walnut.(Tung Oil)
The Checkered board looking bowl is Cedar & Aspen (Tung Oil & Shellac)
The two Native American looking bowls are Aspen & Walnut (Tung Oil & Shellac)


6th August 2015, 12:08 AM
These next pieces are Sapele I have a good source for this wood & have just picked up another load w/ some lighter wood as well
Figured Maple, Figured White Oak & Figured Cherry; I also have a good supply of Teak and African Striped Mahognay .

6th August 2015, 12:13 AM
These next pieces are Teak

6th August 2015, 12:18 AM
These are African Striped Mahogany.

6th August 2015, 12:23 AM
These are Walnut

6th August 2015, 09:25 AM
Well I know I just got on this forum but I'm leaving for my vacation tomorrow I'm taking the 16' Cedar strip Canoe I scratch built last fall.
It took me two months by myself my girlfriend helped me w/ the mixing and spreading of the epoxy.
I named her Serenity have a look and if anybody is interested I have a step by step build log I can link you to.