View Full Version : RIP Toby

KBs PensNmore
31st August 2015, 05:14 PM
Just letting you know, I had to let go of my best mate, a Staffy X Corgi, Toby today, got him in May 2000, he went everywhere with me except to the Northern Territory, even to work, where his favourite spot was under the bench, except when something slipped out of my hand and lobbed on his scone. He'd been run over a couple of times in the car park there, didn't even cry out, that's the trouble being the first unit in the block, they soon learnt to slow down.
His favourite things, were to go for rides in the car, loved camping with all the smells of the bush. He'd had his own bed in the car, so he could see outside as we went along, If he did "smells" he look at me as if to say "Jeez, dad you're foul".
When I had a bad car accident, he was with me, he didn't get hurt, fortunately, but ran away and was found the following Monday in a council pound, suffering Kennel Cough, probably crying for me. I was in hospital for 21 days, and he was sneaked in twice, to see me.
When we'd set up a coffee shop, a few years later, he'd always try to sneak in, to see me or have a cappuccino. We'd been through some rough times, but he was always there for me, more than I can say for someone else who was in my life at the time.
The last few weeks were the worst for him, he ended up with a kidney/bladder infection, then about 2 weeks before having to say goodbye Chronic Arthritis in the rear legs, and required to be carried outside to go toilet, I'm glad that he had lost some weight as he was about 22 Kg this time 2 years ago, he got down to 16.5 in the end and stayed that way for a month before, my having to say good bye. When he was outside, he had to hop around, similar to a kangaroo grazing.
He'd been having needles to help with the arthritis and pain killers, but I could see that he'd had enough.
Farewell my friend.

31st August 2015, 05:29 PM
Sorry to hear about Toby's passing. Went through it in January and it's not easy to do the right thing by them. Memories are great.

31st August 2015, 05:46 PM
My thoughts are with you. We had to send our 13 year old Jack Russell cross to doggie heaven three weeks ago so maybe they will meet up.

A Duke
31st August 2015, 06:11 PM

31st August 2015, 07:00 PM
We had to put down our old mate in 2000. He was about 17 and had a very good innings. Arthritis had him pretty well and it was cruel to see him get up of a morning. OK that was 15 years ago but I still think of him nearly everyday.
Krin, your little mate will be in your mind all the time so he's not gone too far and I bet you can still talk to him when you have a problem

KBs PensNmore
31st August 2015, 07:44 PM
Thank you for your thoughts. Just putting this notice helps a real lot. It was 4.30 PM that I had to let him go to doggy heaven, so I'm sure that he'll meet up with all your little mates.

1st September 2015, 09:42 PM
Dogs live such short lives yet leave such lasting impressions, such a shame they are with us so briefly, just doesnt seem fair. Sorry for your loss.

KBs PensNmore
8th September 2015, 06:37 PM
Today I received a Card and Verse from the Vet. Surgery where I took Toby, and I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Pawprints Left By You

You no longer greet me,
As I walk through the door.
You're not there to make me smile,
To make me laugh anymore.
Life seems quiet without you,
You were far more than a pet.
You were a family member, a friend
... a loving soul I'll never forget.
It will take time to heal
For the silence to go away.
I still listen for you,
And miss you every day.
You were such a great companion,
Constant, loyal and true.
My heart will always wear,
the pawprints left by you.
Teri Harrison

8th September 2015, 07:01 PM
Very sad to read this about Toby. Time will heal the wound but not the memory.