View Full Version : Oregon Beams

Chris Parks
3rd September 2015, 06:40 PM
I have just been offered two 7 metre long clear Oregon beams about 600 x 150. They have been removed from a demolished building and were obviously internal and exposed as they are clear coated. The amazing thing is they do not appear to be twisted or bent to any great extent and all I have to do is figure out what to do with them and at $50 each I find it hard to knock them back but the big question is to what end, I was thinking of a bench to start with and see what is left over. This demo yard has a huge mountain of construction hardwood that they are slowly burning as they can't sell the timber without de-nailing it, absolutely amazing to see so much in one spot.

Pittwater Pete
3rd September 2015, 07:17 PM
You can make very long bench:D

Chris Parks
3rd September 2015, 07:21 PM
I used to have a very long bench and it accumulated stuff I couldn't be bothered putting away. I cut it down to about 1/3 its original size and now I put stuff away.

Pittwater Pete
3rd September 2015, 07:39 PM
Well don't cut them until you've thought about it a bit. 7m is difficult to get let alone 600 x 150 and clear to boot.
This could be the ridge beam for your new backyard workshop!:yippee:


3rd September 2015, 07:50 PM
Re-saw it into more common sizes to be used for what ever projects you are working on

3rd September 2015, 08:06 PM
Stack it in your shop and wait until it tells you wants it wants to be for the next part of its life.

3rd September 2015, 10:00 PM
I have just been offered two 7 metre long clear Oregon beams about 600 x 150. They have been removed from a demolished building and were obviously internal and exposed as they are clear coated. The amazing thing is they do not appear to be twisted or bent to any great extent and all I have to do is figure out what to do with them and at $50 each I find it hard to knock them back but the big question is to what end, I was thinking of a bench to start with and see what is left over.at 7m long and only $50, I think my local Men's shed would happily take one off you.

:DHeck, I'll need a new bench myself in a few years -- if you can store the beam till then, I'll buy it now !! :D

This demo yard has a huge mountain of construction hardwood that they are slowly burning as they can't sell the timber without de-nailing it, absolutely amazing to see so much in one spot.picture??

Chris Parks
4th September 2015, 01:20 AM
It is the length that is a problem and as suggested I wouldn't want to cut them without a good project in mind. i think I will make some hangers and put them in the roof of the car port. Even getting them home will be a challenge. I suspect I have found a bit of a gold mine as far as timber is concerned but I can only horde so much. I have been offered unlimited firewood, just take it away as it saves them burning it.