View Full Version : ramin?

4th September 2015, 01:46 PM

can anyone give opinion or thoughts?

4th September 2015, 04:30 PM
I'm not sure exactly what your wanting from the forums opinion or thoughts.
Have you googled the name yourself? And if so, from your research what information have you gathered, and what extra would you like to know?

It appears the some pieces are glued together and depending on what you're doing that could be an issue.:no:

4th September 2015, 04:37 PM
What would you intend using it for ? if you don't have intent then its just a pile of expensive fire wood at $6.30 a piece. I would buy it, but the multitude of holes is a turn off.

4th September 2015, 04:37 PM
has anyone had experience with it? i think there is a decent solid bench top hidden in that stack.

5th September 2015, 09:21 AM
My only experience with Ramin is that it used to be used for mouldings (may still be)so in that regard it is a reasonably stable timber and being a hardwood would be very suitable for the whole bench, not just the bench top. It is similar in weight to the Meranti range of species, although they themselves have quite a wide range.

It is a fairly bland material but that is fine for a bench.


6th September 2015, 01:25 AM
Real Ramin is a CITES listed endangered Tropical Hardwood, so it makes a certain perverted sense that it turns up as a bunch of machinery pallet skids.

6th September 2015, 11:36 AM
Real Ramin is a CITES listed endangered Tropical Hardwood, so it makes a certain perverted sense that it turns up as a bunch of machinery pallet skids.

yeah, i noticed. he said it shipped a transformer. the electrical kind,not the large cgi kind.

thanks all for replies.