View Full Version : Bathroom tricks for cats - what weird things do your pets do?

10th September 2015, 09:58 PM
No pics I'm afraid (maybe I'll try to get some), but each of my three black cats has its own bathroom trick, and they only occur during or after my shower.

Blackatter has an absolute fetish for my wet feet, and loves to roll all over them (he's pretty lousy at properly drying them though - follow up always required). He does do this outside the bathroom, whenever I take my shoes off (not showing his great intelligence there). One of his other things, which is very cute, is that whenever he hears/sees me taking my shoes and pants off for an afternoon nap he always asks to come with me.

Lately, Lizzie has taken to small leaps up for pats (standing up a bit on her back legs to rub her head on the outstretched hand) She only does this when she's sitting on the toilet, and only after I've emerged from the shower - go figure. However, under those circumstance she'll repeat it 10-12 times in a row. She worked out very early in the training for this trick that if she introduces claws to pull my hand down, the pats start a helluva lot quicker. :C

Nursie hasn't done her bathroom trick for a while now, which is very fortunate indeed. On more than one occasion, and only in winter, she uses the litter adjacent to the shower/bath curtain opening for "major operations". I think I may have complained about this before - it involves a hot air blower directed at the litter which is right at the curtain break, and an exhaust fan directly above me so that ALL air/methane/airborne bacteria get heated and driven directly past my olfactory intake. Some trick.....:~

What weirdo/inexplicable/incomprehensible things do other people's pets do?