View Full Version : Anyone make Rings & Ring boxes - i.e. engagement ring?

28th September 2015, 02:32 PM
Hi all,
Does anyone make ( or know of anyone ) rings, engagement rings + boxes? In Melbourne?

Preferably someone who holds stock ( i need one fairly quickly ).

Anyone? :)



28th September 2015, 07:34 PM
Try contacting one of the local lapidary or silversmithing clubs. There are plenty of people who make this sort of stuff all the time. Check them out on Google. Good luck, it sounds like you're on a mission.

28th September 2015, 09:58 PM
I was actually looking for a wooden ring. Something as pictured below.

This will be used during a ( yes, a proposal! ). She will likely want to pick her own 'real' ring, so i haven't go that yet, but I want to have something substantial, and worth keeping as a momento of the actual event too, so that I have it on the day ( which is going to be very soon! )

I've already found a nice timber ring box, so that's sorted. Now for a ring!

example of the kind of thing i'm thinking:


29th September 2015, 04:08 PM
I know a lady in Camden, South Carolina, USA that makes small boxes. I gave my wife a ring in one of her boxes.

It's just a box, nothing else. No velvet insert. I wrapped the ring in some tissue paper.

The boxes are made to order and no stock on hand.

If you want further details send me an E-Mail at richflynn at yahoo dot com

29th September 2015, 04:32 PM
thanks Rich,
Have actually got a nice box sorted already.

I'm going to have a go at making a ring myself tonight. I have all the equipment I need, but have never made one before. By all accounts, it doesn't actually look that hard to do, so will post here if I manage to pull it off!!


5th October 2015, 01:42 PM
Well, for those interested. I never was able to find anywhere that made rings.....but necessity breeds innovation and I managed to make it myself. Must have done an OK job as she said yes! :). We'll have to go shopping for a 'real' one, but at least we have something nice and genuine to remember the day.

Also my first time on the lathe, so pretty happy! Presented in a Conkerberry & Ebony box as per the one in below pic :). The stone inlay is Lapis Lazuli.


5th October 2015, 07:19 PM
Nice work!

5th October 2015, 08:53 PM
Can you tell us how you made it. I thought that timber that fine would be prone to simply breaking up when it comes in for a bit of hard wear ?

Is there a trick to making it tough?


5th October 2015, 09:47 PM
It's made out of Jarrah. I used the drill press with a hole saw to partly drill the outer ring, then as 16mm forstner bit to drill out the inside. Then finished off the outer hole. Then carefully sanded it down on the belt sander to get the width.

Then made a tapered spindle on the lathe, and put the ring on it. shaved it down to final thickness, bit of a bevel either end, and cut a groove in the middle of it.

Then added powdered/pulverised lapis lazuli stone into the groove along with superglue ( use gloves! ). then back on the lathe to grind/sand the stone flush.

After that, sanded through the grits to 600 ( wet ). added a bit of finish + some wax and then sanded the inside by hand, and just put wax on the inside.

as for strength, it is pretty strong, but i guess if you really tried you could break it.......but then, you can do that with other types of jewellery as well. I think the stone + superglue would probably strengthen it a little as well! I should try a test on some test rings.

6th October 2015, 05:24 AM
Thanks very much. Goes in my list of things to try one day.

6th October 2015, 05:37 AM
Also. Can you tell us where you bought the lapis lazuli powder. A quick Google finds a few places to buy it online but I assume you bought it over the counter?

6th October 2015, 07:04 AM
I just bought a Lapis Lazuli rock from one of those "Spiritual Crystal" type shops. It was about $8.00. Then, using my trusty Sledgehammer......it quickly became powder :)

7th October 2015, 08:04 PM
Congratulations and well done.
I think a personalized made gift is worth more than an overpriced store bought token (ring).

8th October 2015, 05:59 PM
Well done on the ring.

I just bought a Lapis Lazuli rock from one of those "Spiritual Crystal" type shops. It was about $8.00. Then, using my trusty Sledgehammer......it quickly became powder :)

I am just thinking of the conversation that you had with the person over the counter.

Sebastiaan76; "Does this rock crush well?"
Counter Person; "I am sorry I do not understand."
Sebastiaan76; "Can I make this into powder if I hit it with a hammer?"
Counter Person; "It is not for consumption. It is to enlighten your life."
Sebastiaan76; "No worries. I will take it and if it does not crush well can I bring it back?"

8th October 2015, 06:32 PM
hahaha. Close. They told me to charge it under a full moon to give it the most energy.

I charged it under a full sledge hammer instead.

I like my way better :)

10th July 2023, 12:25 PM
Hey Sebastiaan , this story have a happy ending?

17th July 2023, 01:53 PM
Hi Dengue,
Yes...We are still happily Married :)