View Full Version : Horses in peril

8th October 2015, 02:40 PM
Here's some pics of some horses that reside on the same property as me :(
One can hardly walk and is near death :((
The other 2 aren't much better
Welfare agency for animals are well aware of the situation...but are doing very little!
In fact they were contacted 5 weeks ago and the animals have slipped into further decline
So frustrated about this...i love animals and this is wrong
Check out their split hooves :no:
These horses are STARVING!!
Not good enough...MM

8th October 2015, 02:50 PM
I have to agree with you Chris
A horse is not like a motorbike....when you have finished with it for the day you put it in the shed and come out in a week's time to give it another run.
Horses need to be looked over each day! They can do silly things over night and get wounded/hurt scraping a fence. Their feet are also in need of constant servailence. Obviously the paddock has not enough growing to keep the poor old Neddie more than skin and bone.
Who ever owns the Nag needs to be shown that animals need care all the time!!!

8th October 2015, 03:14 PM
Why not try the local police?

8th October 2015, 03:39 PM
Poor horse in the pic is also a 'wind sucker' and has chewed the tops off all the wooden posts
Poor thing can hardly walk it is that weak :no:
Never groomed,wormed,feed,NOTHING!
Same with the other 2
No one here gives a stuff except me and my friend who has been crying about their fate for weeks
Because i complained about their health i was jumped on by the landowner :((
He reckons i am no horse expert and my opinions regarding their health were absurd and baseless.
People :no:...MM

artful bodger
8th October 2015, 08:43 PM
That is just unforgiveable.
I am not a fan of horses. However I despise animal cruelty and those poor things look miserable.
Had a neighbor here for a long time who was a serial offender with horses,sheep and dogs. I know he was dobbed in to the RSPCA by lots of people. Yet the RSPCA seemed like a toothless tiger and never acted on any of the complaints. Thankfully that particular neighbor has moved away.
Can't you go and buy em a bale or two of hay? Hay is usually pretty cheap.

Uncle Al
8th October 2015, 08:45 PM
That is disgraceful. Contact the RSPCA, local council, police, local newspaper, local radio and anyone else you can think of to get some help for the poor animals, and don't wait for each authority to do something, contact them one after the other and make a fuss.

I just looked up where Cedarton is located (inland from Sunshine Coast). Are you in drought conditions up there?

As an aside, I used to work with a bloke from Bellthorpe, just to the west of you. He used to travel from there to Lytton in Brisbane each day!

Hope there is a good outcome for the horses.


8th October 2015, 11:21 PM
there is no excuse for that! if they cant be looked after the owner needs to find someone who will.

8th October 2015, 11:39 PM
If authorities are sloe I'd go to something like A Current Affair

9th October 2015, 07:50 AM
That is disgraceful. Contact the RSPCA, local council, police, local newspaper, local radio and anyone else you can think of to get some help for the poor animals, and don't wait for each authority to do something, contact them one after the other and make a fuss.

I just looked up where Cedarton is located (inland from Sunshine Coast). Are you in drought conditions up there?

As an aside, I used to work with a bloke from Bellthorpe, just to the west of you. He used to travel from there to Lytton in Brisbane each day!

Hope there is a good outcome for the horses.

Alan...It's disgraceful alright
R.S.P.C.A were informed in early August :((
A vet was supposed to look at the horses over a month ago...a no show!!!
Landowners are very well healed but WONT buy them feed or move them to another paddock on the property
The owner of the horses does nothing...just denies ownership and responsibility :doh:
Just goes to show money can't buy compassion...MM

9th October 2015, 07:55 AM
If authorities are sloe I'd go to something like A Current AffairGood idea Bob...MM

9th October 2015, 08:45 AM
Can't you go and buy em a bale or two of hay? :no:...been told we can't which is frustrating...MM

artful bodger
9th October 2015, 08:58 AM
It's disgraceful alright
R.S.P.C.A were informed in early August :((
A vet was supposed to look at the horses over a month ago...a no show!!!
Landowners are very well healed but WONT buy them feed or move them to another paddock on the property
The owner of the horses does nothing...just denies ownership and responsibility :doh:
Just goes to show money can't buy compassion...MM

What is wrong with the RSPCA?. They sure don't seem to be interested in preventing cruelty to animals. Obviously more interested in their well paid jobs. It sure does go to show that money can't buy compassion. I could think of a few better fitting anagrams that RSPCA could stand for.

9th October 2015, 09:35 AM
What is wrong with the RSPCA?. They sure don't seem to be interested in preventing cruelty to animals. Obviously more interested in their well paid jobs. It sure does go to show that money can't buy compassion. I could think of a few better fitting anagrams that RSPCA could stand for.

It depends where you are. Here in Perth the RSPCA are onto horse maltreatments pretty quickly, in fact they are sometimes a bit overzealous. Where SWMBO is stabling her nags a disgruntled former member of the riding school falsely reported the school to the RSPCA and they inspected the school within 24hours. I have no problem with rapid followup but the person reporting has a known history of repeated false and vindictive reporting so they should have known better.

9th October 2015, 09:38 AM
Good idea Bob...MM

I'd sent a blanket email and photos to all those current affairs programs, including the fact that your reported it to the RSPCA and they will be onto it faster than a rat up a drink pipe.
Also tell the owners you are doing this.

9th October 2015, 09:52 AM
One horse has had the same rug on for 5 or so months
You can see the ribs through the rug
I can't get close enough to it to take it off
Presently raining so the poor buggers are cold and wet as they have no shelter
The horse in the pics b.t.w is ex racehorse
Hard to imagine it with a saddle on now...MM

9th October 2015, 10:00 AM
Here's the Clydsdale
Hooves are a shocker
I reckon his 'frogs' would be very bloody sore
Not a happy camper :(...MM

KBs PensNmore
9th October 2015, 04:24 PM
Would it be possible to organise a couple of hay bales to miraculously appear?? Let me know if you do this and I'm happy to donate some money to help cover the costs.

Fiddling About
9th October 2015, 06:31 PM
Would it be possible to organise a couple of hay bales to miraculously appear?? Let me know if you do this and I'm happy to donate some money to help cover the costs.
I would be happy to donate $50.00.
Please send me your details. Maybe if we knew this blokes Name and Phone number, I am sure there are a few people who would like to have a chat with him.

9th October 2015, 07:51 PM
2 of the horses vanished this morning on a truck :?
Don't know where they went
The remaining horse(the one in the first lot of pics) is still here
No one is claiming ownership of her and welfare agency is doing nothing to alleviate her suffering
Yep,she's now a Hot Potato!!
This horse has been fretting all day for her friends
Running up and down the fence stressed to the max
This horse is in really bad shape
Would love to articulate the details of the owner but not sure if that will solve matters
Will say this though...they are NOT short of a quid :((
And they never miss their annual church fete :~
Thanks for the generous offers folks
See if any one bothers to start caring for this animal over the next few days and report back
on its condition
Will go to town tomorrow and buy a bale so it gets a bit of nourishment...MM

9th October 2015, 08:07 PM
I would be happy to donate $50.00.
Please send me your details. Maybe if we knew this blokes Name and Phone number, I am sure there are a few people who would like to have a chat with him.What a kind offer :o
Fiddling About you rekindle my faith in humanity
Wish there were more 'Big Hearted' folk like you walking the earth :)
Will get feed for the ol' girl tomorrow
If feed is an issue next week will let you know
Thanks for caring mate...MM

9th October 2015, 08:09 PM
Would it be possible to organise a couple of hay bales to miraculously appear?? Let me know if you do this and I'm happy to donate some money to help cover the costs.
KrynThanks Kryn
Your kind thoughts are much appreciated too mate,,,MM

Fiddling About
10th October 2015, 08:53 AM
What a kind offer :o
Fiddling About you rekindle my faith in humanity
Wish there were more 'Big Hearted' folk like you walking the earth :)
Will get feed for the ol' girl tomorrow
If feed is an issue next week will let you know
Thanks for caring mate...MM

Mapleman it is you that should be applauded. You chose to get involved and expose the plight of these horses. :clap:
Many people just turn a blind eye.
We have to speak up for those that can not speak for themselves.
All the best.

10th October 2015, 09:45 AM
Many people just turn a blind eye.
Soooo true
The situation this horse is in beggars belief
Everyone is dodging the responsibility bullet
Will take some more pics this morning to highlight the severity of its condition...MM

10th October 2015, 10:15 AM
Just went to take some pics and it seems that horse has been removed overnight or early this morning from the property
Maybe someones conscience has been finally pricked :~
I have been daemonized for speaking out and no doubt will be speedily evicted and ostracised
The landowner and owner of the horses should hang their heads in shame for allowing this cruel neglect to occur over a long period of time...and then to deny any wrong doing :doh:
Shame Shame Shame!
I will NEVER contact Welfare agency for animals ever again after the poor response shown
Will go straight to the media...MM

KBs PensNmore
10th October 2015, 04:36 PM
Thanks for sharing the plight of the horses. We see on TV that the RSPCA show that they are proactive in chasing up the cruelty shown, but in actual fact, it looks as if it's too far away or in the too hard basket, they, like a lot of others put their tale between the legs and run away.
It's disgusting that anyone would let animals get to that stage, even if the animals are past their usefulness, the owners should be prepared to do the right thing or to have them put down.

artful bodger
10th October 2015, 08:20 PM
RSPCA are a joke. Should be run by volunteers, then things would happen.
Wonder if the well heeled owners have just moved em on to the knackery for pet meat?
I would take great pleasure in punching the owners out.

10th October 2015, 08:48 PM
The really crook horse is still here...just was moved to another paddock on the property
This paddock is near the road in full view of the traveling public
Some of the neighbors have commented on the health of the animal previously
They will get a shock when they see it now :o
Maybe a member of the public will make a complaint...certainly hope so
The landowner can daemonise them instead of me...MM

12th October 2015, 05:21 AM
It would be really too bad if some horse mad 'kid' were to cut the fence and take the neddy home, somewhere far away.

Friends had some horses paddocked in a large area near a town and the local kids were always cutting the fence and taking the horses 'home' - if they had asked nicely they probably would have been given permission to ride the horses, even lent harness but the kids there were too bogan to think of that (or their parents). They eventually had to give up the property as 'fire wood collectors' kept driving their trucks through the fences to cut down the remaining trees to sell and would drive all the horses onto the road.

12th October 2015, 10:31 AM
It would be really too bad if some horse mad 'kid' were to cut the fence and take the neddy home, somewhere far away.

Friends had some horses paddocked in a large area near a town and the local kids were always cutting the fence and taking the horses 'home' - if they had asked nicely they probably would have been given permission to ride the horses, even lent harness but the kids there were too bogan to think of that (or their parents). They eventually had to give up the property as 'fire wood collectors' kept driving their trucks through the fences to cut down the remaining trees to sell and would drive all the horses onto the road.Wish someone would take her away and relieve her of the suffering...MM:(

KBs PensNmore
12th October 2015, 10:56 PM
MM, are you talking about the horse or the owner??????

13th October 2015, 09:41 AM
MM, are you talking about the horse or the owner??????Both Kryn
Still no result here
Still ostrasised
Still the heads are in the sand...MM

KBs PensNmore
13th October 2015, 12:26 PM
Hi MM, As someone else said get in touch with current affair or today tonight, they love that sort of stuff and let them know how gutless RSPCA are also.

14th October 2015, 09:53 PM
Thought i would report back that the owner of the horse put feed in its bowl today
Still looks like crap but it is at least eating something now
Can't feed her myself as this case may go to court and i don't want to compromise potential legal proceedings
Highlights the fact that some people should never be allowed to have animals in their care :no:
Most upsetting...MM

KBs PensNmore
14th October 2015, 11:28 PM
Can't feed her myself as this case may go to court and i don't want to compromise potential legal proceedings.
Highlights the fact that some people should never be allowed to have animals in their care :no:

Don't know anything about feeding the horse, your honour, must have been some other thoughtful person!!!!!
Highlights the fact, that some people should never be allowed to breed, or the parents used tooo much chlorine in the gene pool.

15th October 2015, 11:09 AM
The horse as of yesterday...MM:(