View Full Version : First Big Bowl Off The New Nova

2nd August 2005, 12:17 PM
Hello everyone, here is my first post now that I have something to show.

Last month I bought myself a retirement present, a Nova DVR. I started with a Jet Mini and then got an old 12" Delta/Rockwell with one speed and thought it was time for a change.:D

Well I was feeling better yesterday so I dugout this box elder log half and made a blank. This is the first really Big bowl I have ever tried as it started out at 14-1/2". It finished at 13-1/2" x 5" and 1/2" thick.

This is some of the first box elder from last October that I recieved from a friend and it was pretty much bone dry already so I didn't need to soak it DNA. I turned it yesterday and sanded and finished it today. I used Tung Oil and Bees Wax for the finish.

Now I see what a fellow turner Jim Ketron was talking about sanding big bowls, wow my hands and wrists hurt from sanding all day . I always had a hard time with box elder tearing out anyways, but without a steady rest for this lathe, the tear-out was terrible on the outer edges. Way to much sanding for my likes.

I need to get the Kelton video on coring because this bowl would have been bigger if I knew how to core correctly. I was almost done with coring the inside of it when it snapped the tenon on the bowl. So to make a new tenon, it made the finished bowl smaller. But I am happy with it and so is my wife Mickey.

Thanks for looking

2nd August 2005, 12:52 PM
Love the bowl - looks fantastic


3rd August 2005, 05:56 PM
Nice work Dick.

3rd August 2005, 08:35 PM
Hey Dick!

Congratulations! Keep the pics and reports coming.

3rd August 2005, 08:51 PM
Great work Dick, it looks just like a real can of pepsi :D
The bowl looks good too.

3rd August 2005, 09:01 PM
Dick, Dick,

Everything was going swimmingly until......... the Pepsi can reared it's ugly head!!

OK, have another go & see if you can turn a Coco-Cola instead of a Pepsi!!

By the way, the wood thing on the left is really COOL!! :cool: http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon14.gif

Cliff Rogers
3rd August 2005, 10:25 PM
Nice bowl, nice bit of wood, nice proportions.

With big bowl & a timber that tears you can cheat a bit with power sanding.

Check out the Southern Cross replica in the background of the 2nd pic.

3rd August 2005, 10:40 PM
Thank you everyone for the nice comments.

I tried to turn a Coke can but the sides are too thin and it would tear apart.:rolleyes:

There is a least 4 hours of power sanding on this bowl removing tear out.:o Turning green box elder is much easier then dry.

Thank you again.:)

4th August 2005, 12:06 AM
Nice bowl, nice bit of wood, nice proportions.

With big bowl & a timber that tears you can cheat a bit with power sanding.

Check out the Southern Cross replica in the background of the 2nd pic.
Might be a "Comet" Cliff? ;)

Cliff Rogers
4th August 2005, 10:53 AM
Might be a "Comet" Cliff? ;)
Yeah, could be, you need to see the shape of the tail to tell.:cool:

3rd March 2006, 08:29 AM
HI, hey have you tried any of the stuff that was colored with fungus?
I turned some flame and stormy box elder the other day, heres some pics...
OH, it says my pics are too large LOL

3rd March 2006, 11:47 AM
Congradulations Dick, on the new Nova, when I retired all I could muster was to buy myself a pack of gum..... :D

Bowl looks great, Gone through 3 trees lately and total they didn't have that much Red Flame in them. Keep working on them the tearout will quit If you raise the tool rest just a bit to get the bevel on the bowl (Like a Gouge on the outside) A little less cut but smoother results. Play with it till you find the "Sweet spot" (Also hold tight, Vibrations can create tearout, as well. Sharpen often. Perhaps up the RPM.

BTW, I'm headed towards Florida next week and have a Lust for some good Tennessee BBQ, Got any good Ideas as I speed through Knoxville in search of Sunshine. Havent had good sense I left Clarksville. Any "Good O' Boys" Joints off 75?

Have fun with your NOVA, :) I lust for that as much as I lust for BBQ.

3rd March 2006, 02:46 PM
Here are those pics -Darick