View Full Version : Molly the roo

27th October 2015, 05:59 PM
This is Molly, Molly was rescued from the side of the road by a couple of workmates after her mother was run over. They didn’t know what to do with her so I took her home. Every two hours I fed her a potion I obtained from the Katherine Vet and then rubbed her rear end to make her defecate. All legs, when feeding I had to wrap her legs in a blanket, as small as she was one flick and she could cause a bit of pain – not a glamorous job looking after roos. Molly lived in a bag hanging from a chair in the living room poking her head out every now and again to study the world

As she grew she’d venture out and hop around the yard madly finding her legs. The two dogs ignored her but not Georgina, when she came close Georgina would chase her and peck her, poor Molly was terrified of her.

Molly was an Antilopine, the Norths largest roo which is only slightly smaller than the red. Quite a contrary animal was Molly, feeding her was a real chore but we got her through and she grew and grew. When we left for Malaysia we found a home for her at the local kennel along with Georgina and she spent her days lazing around on the property (probably with Georgina hot on her tail).

We heard later that she was run over by her new owner and had a leg amputated but apparently still managed to get around ok.

Not good pets roos, certainly not Antilopines anyway.