View Full Version : The Christmas rush.

artful bodger
9th December 2015, 04:19 PM
I make these handles quite frequently during the year. However about a month before Xmas the avalanche begins, with everyone demanding them before the big day...or the world will end, it seems.
The latest order is a case in point. It consisted of..
365368 57 of this design in Tas oak at 60mm dia.
365369 35 of this similar design in Tas oak at 90mm dia.
365370 4 of same design in spotted gum at 150mm dia.
365371 2 of this type in American Walnut at 150mm dia and 3 at 200mm dia.
365372 18 of this style in Tas oak at 200mm dia,
365373 7 of this type in blackheart sassafras at 65mm dia. These ones are designed to go on the wall for clothes/hat hooks.
So all in all there is a fair few hours to make this lot.

9th December 2015, 04:35 PM
AH! Christmas deadlines/end of the world. Being retired and away from all that crap, I don't miss it one little bit. When I complained once (when I was working) the boss said "You are getting paid for it". As if money compensated for all the angst, long hot days and the wife complaining because I wasn't around to help with the Christmas shopping

Getting back to your good looking work load, the variety is amasing. Have you got any pics of your larger handles in their final positions?

9th December 2015, 04:36 PM
Forgive me but the odd numbers to the requests is what is confusing.

Then again if I was ordering something I would most likely do the same to ensure that I have at least one spare.

artful bodger
9th December 2015, 07:59 PM
Chambezio. At least I am the boss here so things are not so bad. Gotta admit though, it is a love-hate relationship with these handles. I am pretty well sick to the guts with turning them BUT I get paid pretty well for doing so. And I like getting paid. When you think about it, it is nice to be able to make a living working from your shed/workshop at home.
No I don't have any pictures of the products installed anywhere. I just turn em, pass em on, end of story. Most of them go to mainland clients. I did once see some of the larger ones on a cafe wall in Launceston (Tas) but didn't really know why they were there. Maybe coathooks, but they were so close to the front door I doubt anyone would have used them for such as a coat hanging there would be too easy to steal.

Christos. Not really sure about the odd number thing. Guess some people have an odd number of doors, drawers etc. It's a 50/50 chance.

dai sensei
9th December 2015, 10:19 PM
You've done well. Better you than me though, I would be bored silly doing stuff like that, you would have to pay me a looooooot

artful bodger
10th December 2015, 04:54 AM
You've done well. Better you than me though, I would be bored silly doing stuff like that, you would have to pay me a looooooot

Yes Dai sensei it does bore me silly, to help I wear earmuffs with a radio in them and kid myself I get paid to listen to the radio. The loot is extremely good though and that's why I do them. There is no way I could earn the same amount working for someone else in my trade (patternmaking). It also allows me to work on the more creative stuff like sculptures and furniture when there is a gap between the orders. Would hazard a guess that most jobs contain a boring element to them.