View Full Version : Chisel Handles

31st December 2015, 02:18 PM
Hi Folks & Happy New Year.

I'm a semi retired kitchen renovator. Recently I replaced the doors & panels in an Oak kitchen. Rather than dumping the solid timber I hung onto it with view of making some boxes from the stiles and rails of the doors.

But my query is, is Oak suitable to use as chisel handles? Some of my favourites are getting close to needing to be replaced.

Any my help would be appreciated.

1st January 2016, 09:43 AM
Hi Daryl, and welcome to the forum.

"Oak" is a bit non-specific in this part of the world - so many things that get called 'Oak'! I assume you mean a northern hemisphere variety (i.e. Quercus spp), which are a variable lot, but most should be ok for chisel handles, though not brilliant. If you are recycling kitchen door styles, wouldn't the material be a bit thin? I usually start with a blank around 30-35mm square for a chisel handle.

I don't know what else would be readily available in your neck of the woods, but our She-oaks, which of course aren't even vaguely related to 'real' oaks, can make good handles, and many Acacias are excellent, especially the dense, fine-grained species. Red Gum can be good, but variable, I'd avoid the highly figured stuff. There must be some local woods that you could scrounge or swap for some of your oak that would make better handles....


1st January 2016, 01:46 PM
Hi Ian and thanks for your response. Of course you're exactly right, they are only 22mm thick.
Thanks again. Daryl

KBs PensNmore
1st January 2016, 09:23 PM
Hi Daryl,
I've some English Ash that make a very nice handles, some of it has Fiddle Back in it also. How many handles would you be looking at and what length?

1st February 2016, 05:40 PM
Hi Kryn,
My apologies for taking so long getting back to your reply.

Just for now I think about 9 handles (5@130mm & 4@90mm) should do it. Are you a turner? And what sort of price are we talking?
