View Full Version : Bowl

11th January 2016, 01:03 PM
When turning we sometimes come across a piece of wood that looks good in it's semi raw state. We think to ourselves that I can make bowl out of this. There are some surface cracks that we can just get out by turning. We put it on the lathe and start the process of removing shavings.

I don't know what type of wood this is but found that I needed to go back to the grinder to touch up the edge of the chisel often. The initial surface cracks were easily dealt with and when I got to a shape that I liked I came across one that was very deep.

After filling with epoxy mixed with red dye and waiting for 24 hours I return to this bowl and found more cracks starting to emerge. Once again reaching for the epoxy but this time using coffee grounds I filled the cracks over a period of several days.

I applied three coats of wipe on poly.

All comments and suggestion are welcome.

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QC Inspector
11th January 2016, 02:34 PM
The bowl looks good to me.

Instead of the coffee grounds that are the go to for many people, take a look in the spice cabinet. Paprika, curry, mustard, Chili, white pepper, garlic (powder not the salt) turmeric and so on give you a variety of colours to contrast or match the wood you're playing with. Good excuse to use up the stale spices if your spouse asks. :) The peppers are a good way to test your mask and eye protection too. ;)

11th January 2016, 02:45 PM
..... Good excuse to use up the stale spices if your spouse asks. .....

I never thought that I would ever say this about a bowl but I just cannot resist.

Oh so spicy. :U

11th January 2016, 04:35 PM
That is apiece I find very pleasing to the eye!!! Well done!!1:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

I wonder if the timber is Brush Box. It looks mighty similar to a the grain and texture of a
bowl I turned in high school.

11th January 2016, 07:02 PM
That is apiece I find very pleasing to the eye!!! Well done!!1:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

I wonder if the timber is Brush Box. It looks mighty similar to a the grain and texture of a
bowl I turned in high school.

Artme, my thoughts are that it is Brush Box, also.