View Full Version : Glue And Finish Greasy Sticky Softwood

19th March 2016, 01:18 PM
Last fall I bought a piece of spruce? with spectacular figure, reddish and cream growth rings, about 40 to the inch. I put it on the front porch. Today I noticed a crack, so stuck it on the lathe and roughed out a bowl. It is greasy, resiny, sticky. I put CA in the crack and wrapped it with tape around the rim.

Will CA stick on this kind of timber? Any suggestions for what will stick? What can I use to finish it? I usually use Tung Oil, cut with solvent.

Thanks for any comments.

19th March 2016, 08:03 PM
Hmm we dont seen much if any of this stuff. But we have Tallow wood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_microcorys and here might be of some help
and theres an old thread about glueing Tallowood.

hope this helps Paul

dai sensei
19th March 2016, 09:02 PM
Yes Thin CA helps as it penetrates to the bottom of the crack. Unfortunately though, usually another crack opens up nearby, the stresses don't go