View Full Version : Some wood to practice on

17th April 2016, 05:33 PM
Hi all
Bought my first lathe at the newcastle woodwork show,[ comet 11 from carbatec ] and i was wondering what easy to get wood is in and around the newcastle area, to practice on ? any ideas, i have a small chainsaw also.:)

17th April 2016, 06:26 PM
Welcome. Tree loppers, green waste, old furniture,pallets, almost anything. Green wood is best, softer, dust free and easier to find. Weeds like Giant Privet and Camphor Laurel. Enjoy.

17th April 2016, 07:31 PM
Thanks pommyphil
There is plenty of that stuff around, but is there any greenwaste or lopped trees i should watch out for that may be poisonous etc , not that i know what i'm looking at anyway ?

17th April 2016, 07:48 PM
Thanks pommyphil
There is plenty of that stuff around, but is there any greenwaste or lopped trees i should watch out for that may be poisonous etc , not that i know what i'm looking at anyway ?

Any free wood is good wood,,,,,,
Welcome to the obsession

17th April 2016, 08:39 PM
Thanks smiife , i can see already i'm enjoying it

17th April 2016, 09:21 PM
Thanks pommyphil
There is plenty of that stuff around, but is there any greenwaste or lopped trees i should watch out for that may be poisonous etc , not that i know what i'm looking at anyway ?

Most pine on building sites is treated and poisonous. Stuff like Laburnum.... Google " Poisonous wood"

17th April 2016, 09:53 PM
thanks pommyphil
i'll have a look:)

17th April 2016, 10:06 PM
Pine is cheap
And not to bad to turn
Others may think otherwise tho [emoji41]

17th April 2016, 10:57 PM
Thanks Simplicity
I have already tried some pine, I did'nt find it too hard to turn

Toymaker Len
18th April 2016, 12:05 AM
Just keep away from Oleander. Almost nothing else is toxic.

18th April 2016, 03:03 PM
When I first started out I just used what ever I could find and that just happen to be pine. With the blunt tools and speed I was turning at it did not give me very good results. But as I was practising it did not matter.

Now I cannot tell you what type of wood is available in your area but I will say keep your ears and eyes open and there will be opportunities.

21st April 2016, 11:43 PM
Thanks ,Toymaker Len and Christos for your replies

22nd April 2016, 08:47 AM
Do I see a potential member of the Grand Amalgamated Union of Scroungers and Recyclers in the maKing??:D:D

Welcome to the addiction!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Would like to see a review of the lathe once you have reshaped some of your scroungings.:;

22nd April 2016, 05:06 PM
.....Grand Amalgamated Union of Scroungers and Recyclers..........

Ah yes the GAUSR, apparently I am a member and did not have to sign any paperwork. :U

22nd April 2016, 05:33 PM
Ah yes the GAUSR, apparently I am a member and did not have to sign any paperwork. :U

One KNOWS if one is a member!!!! BUT.... I am president for life!!!:D:p