View Full Version : So close!

17th June 2016, 12:57 PM
Hi all,

Just sharing my disappointment in myself.

Did up a pair of salt/pepper grinders this week which I was very happy with, until I noticed that in some orientations between top and body on one unit (the one with tassie myrtle), the join between top and body develops a gap on one side. I must have somehow got it out of alignment in the chuck, when turning the fitting parts - I think it was probably actually a little out on both.

:doh: :doh: :doh:



It's not a big misfit, but particularly annoying when I'm very happy with the rest of the design!



Cliff Rogers
17th June 2016, 02:44 PM
I doubt too many will notice the gap when it is on the dinner table. :think:

brendan stemp
17th June 2016, 04:30 PM
I would cut a V at the join and it will hide the gap. A small V cut is all that is needed (1-2 mm wide), too big and it will be too big a disruption to your line/curve.

17th June 2016, 04:44 PM
No good. Into the fire is the only way to cover this shame :)

17th June 2016, 04:50 PM
A pity about that Brenden , but then we are our own greatest critics . A great design though . I always put a little notch at the join on my screwtop boxes to hide any misalignment .

17th June 2016, 05:33 PM
I might keep this pair as-is to keep myself humble, but if I do I will use Brendan's notch idea for the next set ;).

Thanks for your series of grinder videos by the way Brendan, they're really useful!

17th June 2016, 06:22 PM
Hi danny,
Don, t beat yourself up over it, i have looked at
the pair a few times and don, t really see what
is wrong, maybe a small amount of misalighnment
Something only another woodturner would see :C
I think they look great , nice design , well done :2tsup:

17th June 2016, 07:53 PM
Bloody nice mistake looks great to me

Acoustic and Electric guitars and Basses.