View Full Version : router

Keith McCarthy
28th August 2005, 05:07 PM
Thinking of buying a new 1/2 inch router, and want to get a quality, user-friendly machine. I'm looking at Makita 3612c, De Walt 625, and Hitachi M12V.
Any pros or cons for these would be welcome. Also, how advantageous is a round baseplate? Thanks, Keith McCarthy.

Wood Butcher
28th August 2005, 05:33 PM
I have been using Hitachi routers at work for ever. All up we have 6 hitachis. One of them is now 14yrs old and we have only had to replace one bearing (mind you, it is on for about 4 hours a day). Also have 4 of the makitas we bought 6 months ago, they are not to heavy and are fairly quiet (for a router).

Having a round baseplate is great because no matter which way you turn the router the distance form the edge to the bit is the same.


28th August 2005, 06:11 PM
I've got a Makita 3612c which is a great router. I'd like something a little lighter for hand held use.

From all reports the Triton is the best for table mounting.


28th August 2005, 06:42 PM
Gidday Keith McCarthy:)

For table use ....................take your pic most 3HP routers will do a good job!
For hand held use I've got a Dewalt 621 & reckon she's the ducks guts!!! reasonable price dust extraction best plunging in the business!!!

............If you wanna pay top dollar take a look at the Festool range!!! for my money any of the previous Elu machinery that has been rebadged as Dewalt is on the money for some of the best woodworking machinery on the market!!!!!

If the 621 has a weakness its the tippy base!!!................get your hands on a pat warner subbase to climb the stairway to hand held plunge routing Nervana!!!.................for the price & what you get I reckon the 621 is the best plunge router on the market............BUT! I must admit I haven't tried a festool yet!!!!

REgards Lou

29th August 2005, 04:14 PM
I have found the Makita 3612c very good, Hitachi M12v is also excellent and any of the Festool routers are excellent. Ihave a makita 3612c,3612, festool 1/4 and ports cable pc-7529. The makitas are dedicated in jigs and i use the porta cable and festool for hand held work. My favourite for hand held is the festool, the best router i have ever used.
Have fun

29th August 2005, 04:19 PM
I hesitate to ask you to do a search.

What I did :

I got a Triton for the router table and a ryobi midrange blue (sorry abolut the model numbers - dont know) for hand held. the triton is the ducks guts - best around IMHO and I feel BETTER than the Festool which costs FAR more, the ryobi is "ok" its light, its powerful for its size, can take a quater inch bit in a pinch but the fence is a tad dubiouos - needs better "bite" by the lock screws on the travel bar (I usually nip it up with some pliers so it dont slip).

Hope this helps


3rd September 2005, 04:06 PM
Gee. According to Keith, these were all silly posts, as he has since stated in another thread asking the same question.

Hope you guys feel appreciated.

doug the slug
3rd September 2005, 04:14 PM
Gee. According to Keith, these were all silly posts, as he has since stated in another thread asking the same question.

Hope you guys feel appreciated.

i agree Stuart, if you want some silly posts look in the silly posts thread in the router forum

3rd September 2005, 04:36 PM
Yeah, you guys who replied in here are just not silly enough. I think you need some lessons..... :D

3rd September 2005, 06:52 PM
Wow, how serious does he want? :eek:

Every single response was sincere, offered ideas, solutions and input into what he asked, as well as alternatives. It didn't even get hijacked.

I'm just glad Gumby is around.

When ya need someone silly, who ya gonna call?

3rd September 2005, 07:01 PM


Teenage Mutant Ninja Gumbys?

Super Gumby?

3rd September 2005, 07:46 PM
The Green Gumby
The Gumby - The Ghost that bends in many ways

3rd September 2005, 07:49 PM
Every single response was sincere, offered ideas, solutions and input into what he asked, as well as alternatives. It didn't even get hijacked.
See, now that's silly in itself !

When ya need someone silly, who ya gonna call?

You've got a few to choose from
(or from which to choose, or from whom to choose, or to choose from off of :D )

3rd September 2005, 08:24 PM
OK I get it! :eek:

Keith was outsmarting us.
He ASKED for advice on a router, knowing our usual modus operandi, he was expecting, and was really after either.
A) pancake recipes
B) sharpening advice
C) dust collector advice

Silly us, we stuck to the topic and gave router advice, How silly are we?

3rd September 2005, 08:40 PM
mmmmmmmmmm....... pankakes..........agghhhhhhhhhhh