View Full Version : Help with adapter for lathe

24th September 2016, 02:46 PM
I have just come from one of the members from my local mens shed who is wanting to get into pens BUT the problem he has is that the lathe he has is one of the old GMC/ Rhino lathes that does not have a morse taper of any type but instead has a screw on drive centre and after taking this off you are left with nothing but just a thread. I know there is some sort of adapter that would be out there he can screw on to be able to take a morse taper ? but do not know what it is call or where to find one ? So I would appreciate anyones help in getting this poor fella started on pens and other stuff ?

I look forward to hearing from you soon ?

Cheers Ian

QC Inspector
24th September 2016, 04:18 PM


If the thread matches the 1st will let you turn with a mandrel.

The second will let him put a collet chuck on the lathe that can hold a mandrel rod.

A third method would be to have an adaptor made similar to the second except with a 60 degree cone instead of a thread. Then with a live center in the tail stock he can turn between centers and not bother with a mandrel at all.


24th September 2016, 04:32 PM
Ian one of the fellows in the men shed surely could knock one up to suit. Pete's link shows they are out there.

24th September 2016, 04:59 PM
Not possible to knock one up at shed but need to be able to buy an adapter or mandrel to fit it ? may look at McJings and see what they have

Cheers Ian

24th September 2016, 07:10 PM
I doubt that there will be anything specifically made for the spindle of the GMC lathe, and I would not want to adapt from their spindle to a Morse taper because to do so for a Morse 2 would mean that the adaptor would hang out about 150 mm beyond the spindle, which generally had a reasonable amount of run out anyway. From memory there is nothing to provide an accurate register for an adaptor/faceplate/chuck on the spindle, but best case at 150 long for an adaptor would most likely be that the lathe spindle run out would be magnified by a factor of around 10, but without a decent register to ensure accurate positioning every time, it could be a multiple of up to 100.

26th September 2016, 08:37 PM
Ian, the GMC and the other cheap lathes with the square tube beds, usually had a 3/4 inch 16 tpi spindle thread. The Record lathes have the same size, but have a No. 1 Morse Taper. Your mate can get a scroll chuck etc. with the right size adaptor to fit his lathe.
Mick C

26th September 2016, 09:15 PM
Thanks Mick it is for one of our members at the Raymond terrace Shed Lol so with a bit of luck we can sort this out for him as the poor bugger has bought all the gear but when I went out to his place at medowie is when I noticed his problem :(

Cheers ian

8th October 2016, 05:39 AM
I have one of these at the holiday place. Couldn't get anything to fit including 3/4 inch 16 tpi spindle thread. Turned out to be an M18 and I got suitable nuts to make my own faceplates from the Bolt & nut place on the road to the left heading to Carrington along Industrial Drive heading into Newcastle. Take the drive centre with you, get a bolt to fit it, then nuts to fit the bolt. If that's the right size, you can get converters to the more common 3/4x16tpi usually from the UK. However I wouldn't spend a lot of money on add-ons to these lathes as certainly mine is very lightly built

8th October 2016, 07:40 PM
tell him to junk it and buy another.