View Full Version : Timber Identification - For turning?

4th October 2016, 03:53 PM
Hi All,

Just checking if anyone has any thoughts on what type of tree this is - and if it is worth picking up for some turning?

It has just been cut down by a local and he has offered it to me to grab if I would like it for some turning - it definitely has some nice colours.

Seems like some form of gum - but any other thoughts from everyone would be appreciated.




artful bodger
4th October 2016, 05:59 PM
A close up picture of the leaves may help.

Willy Nelson
4th October 2016, 06:25 PM
Truth be known, I wouldn't worry too much about what type of tree it, the grain and colour look good, so grab it!
Once dry, have some fun, make a mess and if anything comes of it, be sure to post a piccy and try to identify the wood

dai sensei
4th October 2016, 06:34 PM
Truth be known, I wouldn't worry too much about what type of tree it, the grain and colour look good, so grab it!
Once dry, have some fun, make a mess and if anything comes of it, be sure to post a piccy and try to identify the wood

What he said, but do try and get some photos of the leaves, bark, flowers, nuts/seeds if they are still around for indentification

4th October 2016, 06:42 PM
Don't bother waiting for it all to dry, have fun. Turn some thin bowls and see what happens, and some thick ones to speed up drying. The price is right.

4th October 2016, 07:10 PM
Hi paul,
Any free wood is good wood!!
Just take it and if it, s no good use it as practice wood:;

4th October 2016, 07:28 PM
To me it looks a bit like Cadagi (C. Torelliana) by the leaves and the extra green trunk higher into the canopy. But that is just a guess when I magnify your photo. Should it be Cadagi it has attractive timber.

4th October 2016, 08:01 PM
Thanks all - will rough turn them green and then maybe try a few different drying techniques. I grabbed a bunch this afternoon. His tree loppers had just cut down a jacaranda as well, so grabbed heaps of that while I was there too. He had heaps left - so if there is anyone in Brisbane (Boronia Heights), I can give you his details. Will put the details in the marketplace as well.

6th October 2016, 03:58 PM
Grab it . Unfortunately most of it looks as though it has been cut too short to get the maximum size bowl .I always ask tree cutters to make their cuts just slightly longer than the diameter .

6th October 2016, 04:34 PM
So I was able to get some time today to have a play around with some of the green stuff - the one that was a 'Gum Tree'

Turned pretty well (even with my low grade chisels) and there is some nice grain throughout.

Anyway - pictures of the 1st effort below.



I like the thicker edge bowl - I feel it looks more modern. Once it dries I can obviously tidy it up a bit.

Hoping to trial the LDD method today or tomorrow to assist with the drying process.