View Full Version : PowderPost's cleanup.

5th October 2016, 08:12 AM
Having had the honour of being invited into Jim's shed, and having made an assessment of his situation I've attempted to make an estimation on the completion date for the "cleanup".

The calculation was far more complex than I had ever envisaged as I factored in the inventory on hand, rate of acquisition of new stock, production rate, waste creation, waste removal, very low burn pile attrition factor, hidden treasures, long forgotten stockpiles, white ant factors, big boys toys on hand, tool inventory, visitor distraction, smoko factor, WIP preparation etc.

I concluded that even though sales were relatively high and completed stock inventory turnover was good, the rate of creation of new waste still greatly exceeds the removal rate of old waste. The "in shed" distraction factor and hidden stock inventory was unusually high creating anomalies that I could not account for even when I severely discounted "the bower bird" factor. The fact that Jim does not normaly core blanks and that I didn't see any coring tools very favourably skewed calculation's, though I strongly suspect that there are long standing systemic problems with tool inventory control and disclosed tool inventory levels.

Outside influences in what I have now deemed the "Sharon Factor" did seem quite favourable to the desired outcome and did affect calculations significantly however I have low confidence in that trend being maintained over the longer term.

My conclusion is that the outcome is quite favourable to Jim - an indeterminate clean up date, so he had better hang around for a long while yet and get on with the "cleanup". :U

5th October 2016, 08:29 AM
Though I am new to the turning game, your very well articulated sum up of everything seems to be problem most turners would face. After my first year of tinkering on the lathe suspect I had accumulated more stock than I could really use in half a lifetime, and more projects floating around in my head than I could finish in a years worth of Sundays. ....
5 years in and your 'bowerbird' effect means my wife is very lucky we are on a suburban block without much storage space, bUT I always manage to find room for 'a special piece I couldn't leave behind'

Great sum up of the situation Mobyturns, and I wish you and Jim the very best of luck on such a daunting task. I suspect your smoko factor is one that could be exponential and throw all calculations out the window when trying to find a realistic median...

When it comes to turners of both yours and Jims ability and experience the 'clean up' I suspect would be a lifelong uphill battle, but one where enjoyment is had at every 'turn'

Good luck gents

5th October 2016, 08:51 AM
my wife is very lucky we are on a suburban block without much storage space, bUT I always manage to find room for 'a special piece I couldn't leave behind'

Well as a builder it should not be difficult for you to raise the house up and build a large workshop and storage space underneath. :U

I could not do that but instead dug out underneath for the workshop even though I have a large block. :D


5th October 2016, 08:53 AM
All sounds like "Government speak". :D

5th October 2016, 10:22 AM
All sounds like "Government speak". :D

Jim's very fluent in government speak. Plus he is only waking up about now. :rolleyes:

5th October 2016, 12:07 PM
Having been to Jims place and evaluated the situation I think the real issue isn't a cleanup problem.

Hes got a couple of acres spare to factor in, and personally I think his problem is just a serious case of the common woodworking ailment shedtoosmall4us. "Sharon factor" might interfere with the building approval process though.:D

5th October 2016, 12:25 PM
I think his problem is just a serious case of the common woodworking ailment shedtoosmall4us. :D

I have a more severe form of that ailment - shedfartoosmall4me (be careful how you read that)