View Full Version : MDF Router Table Top Question

8th October 2016, 05:22 PM
Building a RT and now up to doing the top - question is on a 620mm Deep X 875mm Wide top using a Triton MoF001 9kg router on either a Phenolic or Alloy plate which has under top support 300mm gap.

Have 2 x 16mm MDF which I will glue with Titebond II ( unless someone comes up with a good reason not to ) - alos have a 9mm MDF - Is it worth using the three sheets or will the 2 x 16mm work ? At this stage will probably use laminex for the working surface and seal the under surface with Cabots water based poly. Will be tas oak edged.

Any comments appreciated


UPO - Richard

8th October 2016, 06:52 PM
If you can find it I would use 32 mdf it is available.
If not yes glue 2 16mm sheets together.
Make sure to show pics
Cheers Matt

Big Shed
8th October 2016, 06:59 PM
Most places that manufacture kitchen bench tops have a supply of reject bench tops on hand and are happy to sell them at a reasonable price.

Already laminated and a lot are 32mm thick.

I used one of those for my router tabl and edged it with hardwood edges.

Stood up well since I made it some years ago.

8th October 2016, 07:47 PM
My router table top is 2x 18mm MDF sheets laminated to form 36mm with tassie oak edging. All good so far.

I sealed the top and bottom with 3 coats of FeastWatson Scandanavian oil. I also did this to my last router table top and it lasted about 8 years of abuse with no ill effects and no re-coats. Although a laminex top would be more durable.

I glued them together with Selleys water based Quick Grip. I've used it to laminate MDF in the past and has always worked well.

Don't forget to post pics of yours when you are done, we all like pics.


Chris Parks
9th October 2016, 11:12 AM
An 12mm aluminium plate glued to a 18mm sheet of MDF sounds good to me. Way stronger, lighter and definitely won't bend.