View Full Version : How Much Are Lathes at the Working With Wood Shows?

30th August 2005, 12:46 PM

Going to the Working With Wood Show in Canberra this weekend and I will be leaving with a new lathe!

Now I understand prices are typically (although not always) better at the WWWS but I would like to be forearmed.

Can anyone remember from previous WWWS's this year approximate prices of wood lathes, in particular the JET line?

Currently I am debating between the JET Mini and the JET 1642. I know there is a massive difference in lathe type there, but it will come down to money. If the 1642 is going to be within reach it may be enough to get me over the line...?

Cliff Rogers
30th August 2005, 01:23 PM
Look at the prices at these web sites, you will be able to get it for less than that at the show.



30th August 2005, 01:25 PM
Thanks Cliff,

Those sites, and many others, have been getting flooded with traffic from me over the last few days :rolleyes:

Just trying to get an idea of how much less at the show turns out to be, that way I can start to try and psyche up on the budget if the 1642 is in the realms of possibility :cool:

Cliff Rogers
30th August 2005, 01:32 PM
I got my bandsaw at almost 9% less than the website price.

30th August 2005, 02:40 PM
Dont forget Trend Timbers. They do both Jet and Technatool.


( i have no affiliation etc..)

30th August 2005, 03:31 PM
The mini lathe is an awfull lot of lathe in a small space & at a small price. I got mine at the bris show for $325. Besides you can carry it home on the bus. :D ( if you'r feelin fit)

Don't forget to give gary pye a call. He might be all the way up the gold cost but he ships lost of stuff arround the country.

30th August 2005, 03:58 PM
Gary Pye would appear about the cheapest on the web for the Jet lathes and personally I have no problem buying from internet vendors as I run my own e-commerce business on the side in the same manner (totally different industry though).

Looking at the info on the mini lathe I definitly think it will take a respectable second choice. The smaller size and THE PRICE are both super attractive. But so is a 16" swing and the ability to go big.

But I am sick of compromising and I would rather get a good quality smaller lathe than a cheap quality larger lathe. That said if I can afford a good quality larger lathe then that would be fantastic. Who knows, pigs just may fly yet :rolleyes:

30th August 2005, 09:57 PM
Remember with the mini lathe & extension bed you can get around 1m between centres.

5th September 2005, 03:52 PM
Well went to the show. Saw the Jet mini and was exactly what I suspected, a mini lathe.

No-one had the Jet 1642 anywhere with an ETA measuring in the month/s instead of week/s.

Despite my better financial judgment I got to looking closely at the DVR3000. Trend Timbers had a deal on where you got the lathe and an SN2, legs were extra. After much hemming and hawing plus calls to the Minister for Finance and trying to remember website URLs over the phone so she could look up prices for me, I basically got the go ahead. I was figuring $2500 for the Jet 1642 and SuperNova 2 chuck and it was my wife who said, "When you're spending that much what is a few hundred more?" :eek:

Had a talk to the Trend guys and got a slightly better price on the unit and legs that was out on display. Sucked it up, slapped my credit card down and there is now a new lathe in the garage.

Didn't have much time with it last night but I chucked up a piece of redgum and had at it for a little while. I must say I havn't had such a clean cut to date and it didn't even need sandpaper! Dayum it was nice.

Picked up some purty pieces of wood from Trend and Mullimbimy Wood Works and will spend next weekend getting myself properly reaquainted after a two year hiatus from woodturning.

Cliff Rogers
5th September 2005, 05:24 PM
I reckon you'll be more than happy with it.... good on ya.

5th September 2005, 07:13 PM
Yeah, good call.

Don't forget to remember the Minister for Finance at election time ;-}

6th September 2005, 11:51 AM
hi i went to the canberra wood show on friday it was cool to, i picked up some blanks and pen turning stuff, and finally got a lathe the mini lathe mc1018 and a set of 5 chisels from timbecon $300.00 all up, somethink to start to learn on. i then went to bunnings on sunday and got a set of cheap chisels for $30.00 to muck around with, I found some prices are the same as in cataloges from most of the dealers there, At least you save on pastage.
