View Full Version : Intentionally growing burls

artful bodger
27th October 2016, 06:57 PM
Today I was given a few small burls that were from a very historically significant property. They are Elm burls from a tree that was planted over 200 years ago. Also the particular property has various written records that go back to it's start. In the records apparently it mentions that when planted this tree was injected with something to make burls grow and flourish. It seems the original owners of the property were keen to grow burls to make "snuff boxes" from. Not sure if any snuff boxes were ever made but the tree which has died and recently fallen/cut down has burls on it of the size that, one of them might fit onto the tray of a flat tray ute!.
It is clear from the bits that the truewood of the tree has some kind of rot, maybe Dutch elm disease or maybe old age. The burls I was given still look pretty sound and colourful nonetheless.
It is certainly the first time I have heard of burls being encouraged to grow by human intervention. Whats more it was meant to have happened over 200 years ago, from folk who had not long been here from England.
I have often marveled at the burl veneer that was plastered over things like old piano's, antique furniture etc and wondered how they got their hands on such large flawless burls all those years ago. Maybe it (the intentional burl growing) thing has been going on for longer than a couple of hundred years?
Anybody know anything about it?

27th October 2016, 07:15 PM
Are you going to honor the records and produce a snuff box? Can't wait to see photos!!

artful bodger
27th October 2016, 07:28 PM
Doubt there would be much demand for snuff boxes these days. Far as I know snuff was a kind of tobacco powder that you snorted! Oddly enough it is no longer in fashion.
Have just cut a couple of small bowl blanks out of the larger burl that I was given. They are for the bloke who has the rest of the tree who is keen to see what a finished piece will look like.
Will post a few pics in the wood turning section when I have a crack at them.

27th October 2016, 07:35 PM
They show up on 'antique roadshow' quite a bit, just thought it would be a fitting gift to the house/property....

Just a thought ....

Any ideas of what you're going to do with it?

artful bodger
27th October 2016, 08:33 PM
Yes, I am going to try and turn a few very nice small bowls from them. Which I believe the owner of the property is going to pay me for. I was not asked to specifically make a snuff box but by the sounds of the burls that he has then a 20 gallon snuff box might be a possible future project.
Anyway I was more interested to hear if anyone had heard about altering/injecting trees with something to grow burls. Have heard of forestry in Tassie injecting sassafras with a mould to promote the blackheart feature, just never the burl equivalent.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
27th October 2016, 11:12 PM
From memory, forestry.com has a thread about burls being induced by lead injections. .22cal ones. :D

Apparently old battlefields have a high incidence of burls and not-so-clinical trials by our US brethren suggest it may be from shock damage to young(ish) trees.