View Full Version : The Cupboard Where Everything IS

3rd September 2005, 01:42 PM
Do you guys have one of these ?

I'm trying to get organised in the garage and store things together like all the router stuff in one drawer, sandpaper in pigeon holes etc.

There's a whole heap of miscellaneous stuff which I cant categorize and I'm not sure where it all goes. I think I'll have a drawer for all this junk, bit's ' pieces. The trouble is, there's so bl@@dy much of it !

The other day I went looking for some draft stopping tape and after looking everywhere, I couldn't find it anywhere, although I was positive I had some. Anyway, I went to Bunnies and got some more. I cut what I needed, put it around the door and took the remainder in to the garage. Now, if I had a cupboard where everything was kept, I'd put it in there. But I don't (yet).

I opened one of my cupboard doors thinking I'd put it on the side in there. Guess what. Two brand new unopended packets of the same bl@@dy stuff where already sitting there !!!$^%$^%$ :mad:

I must have been through this process before ! Why weren't they there when i was looking before ?

Oh well, thats my story. Anyone got plans for a cupboard where everything is? It would save me heaps of time.

3rd September 2005, 02:04 PM
Just broaden your categories eg, all kind's of tapes..............polishes and stains.................tooling, etc. However, there is allways that majority of miscellaneous homeless item's that just dont fit!

Solution= build more cabinets! works for mehttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

3rd September 2005, 02:05 PM
I was thinking of chest of drawers for miscellaneous stuff. Perhaps something like this...

journeyman Mick
3rd September 2005, 02:10 PM
I've got a house/shed/garage where everything is (multiples of quite a few of them) like you I know I've got things but can't find them. I couldn't find my belt sander for 18 months at one stage :eek: . My shed needs to be much bigger as I've pretty much run out of room. I've got a bit of space high up on the walls for some storage shelving (from about 2.4 metres upwards) that I'll be making soon. Other than that though, there really is no space left at all. As it is I need to shift stuff around as I work, it's going to get even worse when the new saw arrives as the sliding table is about 3M long (= 6m from front to back - tight) My best effort to date has been with thread tape. Everytime I did any plumbing or bought another air tool I'd buy thread tape because I couldn't find the last roll I bought. When we moved house three years ago I found over 20 rolls :eek: . At least I won't need to buy any for some time to come. ;)

Mick the thread tape magnate

3rd September 2005, 02:38 PM
At least I won't need to buy any for some time to come. ;)

Mick the thread tape magnate
If you can find it.................
I know where you put it but I'm not telling you :D :D :D

3rd September 2005, 02:43 PM
Sounds like a good title for a Children's book actually.

The Cupoboard Where Everything Is

It's got a ring to it.......nope, hang on, that's the phone. bye.

3rd September 2005, 02:52 PM
When we moved house three years ago I found over 20 rolls :eek: . At least I won't need to buy any for some time to come. ;)

Mick the thread tape magnate
So YOU'VE got all my missing thread tape!! I bet you've got all my missing biros too. And my nail punches :D ;)

3rd September 2005, 04:00 PM
Do you guys have one of these ?
I have one - my shed. Everything is in there. Somewhere.

Oh well, thats my story. Anyone got plans for a cupboard where everything is? It would save me heaps of time.

I think of building something similar to this (http://members.aol.com/loganftp/myhomepage/toolbox.html) or this (http://shopsmithhandson.com/archives/jan_feb_02/html/major_project.htm)

Just George
3rd September 2005, 04:58 PM
If you've got a bench of reasonable height build yourself a really nice set of drawers to fit underneath. Do a good job, one that you can be proud of. Figure out how many drawers you need and then when you sit down to design and make a cutting list double the amount of drawers. And don't forget to make some deep drawers in it at the bottom. If you don't have a bench for this to go under make it on wheels/castors(lockable) so it can be maoved out of the way. If you do a good job it can be a feature and will last for years to come.

3rd September 2005, 05:07 PM
Do you guys have one of these ?

Sorry Gumby but I don't have one. :D

Don't need it either as I've got drawers and shelving where needed so that everything has its own place and everything is stored in its own place. :)

BTW I also know where they are.


3rd September 2005, 05:16 PM
If you've got a bench of reasonable height build yourself a really nice set of drawers to fit underneath. Do a good job, one that you can be proud of. Figure out how many drawers you need and then when you sit down to design and make a cutting list double the amount of drawers. And don't forget to make some deep drawers in it at the bottom. If you don't have a bench for this to go under make it on wheels/castors(lockable) so it can be maoved out of the way. If you do a good job it can be a feature and will last for years to come.

Woody, thanks for the ideas but the problem with drawers is that everything wouldn't be in there. Things would be separate and harder to find because I wouldn't know which drawer had what in it. That's the problem I have now.

However if I built one HUGE drawer......... :eek: we could be onto something.

3rd September 2005, 05:58 PM

Give our kind friend Sturdee a call on the telephone and ask for an invitation and if he could spare the time to put you straight :)

I made a 24000 mile round trip for my lesson. :D

3rd September 2005, 06:18 PM
And well worth the effort of making that trip, if I may say so myself. :D

John, the other day Gumby came down from the mountains to Ringwood, a mere hop, step and jump from my place, and he didn't even call in to find the answers to his storage problems. :D


3rd September 2005, 06:35 PM
My cupboard is called Bunnings, when I want stuff I go there and get it.
They are like you, multiples of everything except, its them that pays for it and not meeeeeeee. :D
Al :D

3rd September 2005, 06:56 PM
My cupboard is called Bunnings, when I want stuff I go there and get it.
They are like you, multiples of everything except, its them that pays for it and not meeeeeeee. :D
Al :D

So are you saying that you steal all your stuff from bunnies? :eek:

see what go around comes around :p

Ian :)

3rd September 2005, 07:27 PM
I find that I need at least 3 of an item in order to be able to find one in 5 minutes searching or less ;-)

As for the cupboard-of-holding - search around for some of those big Brownbuilt 2 door stationery lockers - they have been around for years & are fairly common 2nd hand - new they are $$$$.

Mate has about a dozen mounted on castors that he has made a compactus from, just screwed 2 lengths of angle iron to the floor. No power winding & you have to move them in pairs (bolted back to back) unlike the real thing where you can push 6 or so in a block, but heaps cheaper. He then filled them with plastic boxes & parts trays full of parts.

3rd September 2005, 07:47 PM
Give our kind friend Sturdee a call on the telephone and ask for an invitation and if he could spare the time to put you straight :)

I would, but i can't find my car keys.......put them in a drawer somewhere... :rolleyes:

(Makes note to self: The cupboard where everything is shall have a car key spot)

3rd September 2005, 07:55 PM
I've got a pair of steel drawer cabinets, that each have 28 drawers each (4 across, 7 down).
Each drawer is about 200mm W x 120mm H and close to 500mm deep.
They have a little holder to stick a label, which is a good thing otherwise rifling close to 60 odd drawers can be a good waste of time :o

I find these great to keep things somewhat organised, certainly better than one big drawer :D

The units sit side by side, and I've put an old laminex bench on top, so they also serve as a utility bench (read as crap collector).

These were being tossed at work ages ago, so I got them tossed into the car :D stupid fools!

4th September 2005, 08:43 AM
Gumbo, just wack everything on your workbench - easily accessible and you will know where it is - somewhere! Seri@rsely, the brownbuilt (etc) range of office/workshop cupboards are the way to go . . . Javali thanks for the link to the Machinist Toolbox, I think I have found my dream Toolbox :)

4th September 2005, 09:26 AM
I think they're unavoidable. We call ours the "useful drawer".

4th September 2005, 10:05 AM
Zen, no fair. Eveything neatly tied or in bags! The true way to a junk drawer is to throw everything in and rat through it a few times . . . then it will be a complete and utter mess, with the only way to find anything is to take it out and tip it over! :D

Dr Dee
4th September 2005, 10:28 AM
I don't like drawers - except for my metal 7 drawer rollabout toolbox which is great. I have a wall of shelves which are 450mm deep and variable spacing so I can have it all visible and not stacked on top of other things. Can stand in almost one place and spot things. Makes it easy to move stuff about as a category grows. The high shelves are filling up with the less often used gear.


4th September 2005, 11:01 AM
Hi Gumby. I made a pair of garage organisers like these:
(look for garage organiser link)
I have just a wall in a garage and after trying many solutions found these to be ideal, since thet are on castors I can move them out of the way for more space. And they offer heaps more space and flexibility than cupboards.

I made up my own plans closely along the lines of the article, but I just used 19mm mdf. I can get my plans to you somehow, if you are interested.


4th September 2005, 07:57 PM
Hi Gumby,

First of all my son wants to know why you and him have the same nickname :D

this photo shows a set of MDF draws i have in my shed the second one one of the draws

Cheers Ian

4th September 2005, 10:59 PM
First of all my son wants to know why you and him have the same nickname :D

It was mine first....he's an imposter !

So many ideas, gosh I'll be sorting and building for weeks. I do have a couple of home made cupboards and that's where the problem started.

So much to do, so little time :rolleyes:

4th September 2005, 11:48 PM
I've got a full drawer labled "pieces of string too short to be useful"

Is this overly anal?