View Full Version : Shes a workhorse not a showpiece!!!

3rd September 2005, 07:25 PM

Well I just finished the carcas of a tool trolley design I've been working on!!............I'm after some advice on what to use to dress up the front of the carcas with in the areas marked. Bear in mind that I'm planning on attaching some heavy duty hinges on some doors I plan to attach once shes dressed up!!!

Any ideas on what to use to dress her up and in particular what kind of hinges to use really appreciated!!!!

REgards Lou

3rd September 2005, 08:08 PM
G'day Lou, I'd probably use a face frame as it allows the best attachment for the doors. If you are going to use Euro style hinges it may be better to simply attach face strips to cover the carcass edges.

Some ideas here:

In particular, follow the links to the knowledge base about midway down the page.

Danny Proulx has some info here:

3rd September 2005, 10:50 PM
If you fit big hinges to the outside of the carcase you can arrange the doors to swing flat to the sides when open. this is a good thing and ist probably the easiest door installation.

3rd September 2005, 11:12 PM
Thx fellas really appreciate that!!!!:)

Must admit I've had mixed results with edge glueups with MDF. Any ideas on the best way to join the trim to dress up the front of the carcas.............I'm trying to work out what the strongest method of joinery would be in this situation I'm thinking nails n epoxy at this stage?????

I haven't got a biscut joiner so don't consider them an option I have used dowells with MDF in the past but again with mixed results!!!!!

..............Not sure which way to tackle this one..................so all suggestions appreciated!!!!

REgards Lou

4th September 2005, 08:53 PM

In the meantime today I glued in the back panel of the carcus...................No dramas used a few nails to help secure the join so far she seems to be holding together!!!

REgards Lou

11th September 2005, 04:13 PM

Work continues on my tool trolley. After I got the carcus together I scraped the outside with a card scraper (Love em) and began gluing the face frame to the carcus!!!!

After sussing things out I've decided use glue and a few nails!!! Apparently the strongest method would have been to use biscuts but not having a cutter it wasen't an option for me!!!

REgards Lou:D:D:D

11th September 2005, 06:31 PM
Looking good.

I see that poor man bench is holding up well and evolving.

25th September 2005, 06:06 PM

Well I got the face frame on the carcas and have begun developing some deign features for my tool trolley................You often hear forum members tout the adige 'You can never have to many clamps'.............Well I'm going to add to this:

"Close by"

...................and make my trolley double up as a mobile clamp rack!!!!

...................So far shes coming together well. I'm not sure wether to make the other side a clamp rack as well - OR I've been toying with the idea of make a cradle for my router on the other side!!!

What do you think???

REgards lou:D:D:D:D:D

25th September 2005, 06:24 PM
I also got a new toy today:)

A little Dewalt randam orbital SAnder....................Shes a ripper & I'm really happy with the purchase!!!!! I started cleaning up the trolley a bit today and have been really impressed with the results!!!!

.................Anyone else got one OF these??? would love to hear some feedback on what others have found!!!!..............My next ROS will be a Metabo Duo!!!

REgards Lou;)

25th September 2005, 07:08 PM
hey lou, that sexy little metal bat drill, any good ? any zappo ?

25th September 2005, 07:11 PM
Hey whay can I say Zed................its made a metal:eek::eek::eek: I Love it!!!!

Dean has a review on his website here:


REgards Lou;)

25th September 2005, 08:36 PM
I also got a new toy today:)

A little Dewalt randam orbital SAnder....................Shes a ripper & I'm really happy with the purchase!!!!! I started cleaning up the trolley a bit today and have been really impressed with the results!!!!

.................Anyone else got one OF these??? would love to hear some feedback on what others have found!!!!..............My next ROS will be a Metabo Duo!!!

REgards Lou;)

G'Day Lou,
I was just admiring your work, very nice indeed, please don't take this the wrong way but is there a reason for nothing being fixed to the back of the trolly?..Is this so it can be placed against a wall when not in use or haven't you got that far yet?....You mentioned it would carry clamps, would fixing them to the rear affect your design?..It is a section that may have been overlooked as storage, it is such a large area that could be used for various "long" tools!...Just a thought, again very nice and tidy, Good on ya!...

Auld Bassoon
25th September 2005, 09:05 PM
Looking good Lou!

I must confess, when looking a pic three (the one with the paired holes and in-line slots, I did scratch my head and wondered "what the Devil's Lou up to here?" - then I got to pic five with the clamps in place - great idea! I've got clamps hanging from ceiling rails all over the (ahem!, cough cough) place.

As to joining MDF, I find that just edge glueing won't handle any kind of stress at all (I think the glue is absorbed into the porous material), so I use mechanical joints - even just finger joints (wouldn't touch MDF with a decent chisel or saw - it cripples them...http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon9.gif) whe, on the rare occasion, I use MDF - even crapiata is better for many things, especially if sealed to avoid moisture creep.

I must say, Lou, my hat's off to you for managing som much in your 'shop' (green one on it's wayhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif)


25th September 2005, 09:12 PM
Gidday savage:)

Don't worry m8 I won't take it the wrong way.:D N Yer nothings happining on the back panel so that she can be easily pushed up against the wall. Thx for the feedback!!!

Regards Lou:D:D:D

25th September 2005, 09:19 PM
Oh! OK, Lou,

Just seemed a waste of space if it was for anything other than backing upto a wall!..

25th September 2005, 09:23 PM
Yer thx Steve :D:D:D

N yer totally agree with your observations in regards to MDF. I'm not sure if there showing up in the pics that well but shes full a screws; small joining nails and the inside of the carcas is epoxied!!!

................Overkill I know but I wanted to make sure shes strong and would hold together!!!!

To be frank i hate working with MDF the dust is shockin stuff & you could imagine the nightmare I have without a dedicated dust collection system setup!!! However as part of learning my skill sets I think its important for me to at least become competant at working MDF and learnng about its strengths and limitations.

.............I have sucessfully used a chisel paring MDF on a number of occasions and continue to improve my technique. the key is PAring any mallet work and I agree with your observations & comments!!!............

.............Next on the list is working with Ply Wood!!!

Regards Lou:D:D:D

30th September 2005, 04:40 PM

Well lots a sanding been going on here. I've tidied her up a bit and put the hinges on for a test fit. Shes coming along fine. At this stage I'm thinking of finishing her in polyurathaine. I've decided to make another clamp rack on the other side and maybe a bay for chisels underneath.

.................I'll update as I progress

REgards Lou

11th October 2005, 03:59 PM

Well I've been putting a bit into my trolley lately .............almost got all the doors on & finished the second clamp/tool rack. Shes been a real fun project that's gonna turn out a practical workhorse in the Shop.

I'm still mulling around ideas on how I can load her up even more ................ any suggestions really appreciated.

REgards Lou

11th October 2005, 04:36 PM
G'Day Lou,

just re-arranging the workshop and I have one of those steel locker type storage units 6'x3'x18" in the old measure, inside the doors I fixed some pegboard and spaced the hooks so that the doors close unhindered. On the pegs I have put all of those spanners you seem to accumilate every time you buy a new power tool but not a case to keep them in, on the shelves are all of the plastic blow cases with the tools and spanners etc in them for that particular tool. As they take-up little room on the doors would this be an idea to use?....:)


11th October 2005, 04:40 PM
Sounds Good!!!

............GOt any Pics Savage???

REgards Lou:cool:

11th October 2005, 05:04 PM
G'Day Lou,
I have to take some of my home built lathe so I will take some of the cupboard, I will take some of the rest of the shop and try to put them up tomorrow night if thats OK. T'is a slight mess at the moment, I've just finished insulating the roof of said shed and about to go and tidy up, back on later!...:)

12th October 2005, 10:29 PM
G'Day Lou,
as promised here are the pic's of the pegboard inside of the doors of my tool locker, it may not be of any use to you with your project but might be useful around the shop, it's simple and makes use of overlooked space (sometimes)!

13th October 2005, 01:45 AM
My next ROS will be a Metabo Duo!!!

G'day Lou, I like what you have done. The edge trim really finishes off your tooltrolly.

I have quite a lot of GMC & other cheap tools. When I started woodwork, not all that long ago, I had no tools & needed everything. Metabo's & Mak's etc simply were not an option.

I bought a Metabo Duo at the 2004 Adelaide wwshow, & you will not be sorry when you get one. You don't use all your tools on every job, but you will use a sander on most jobs, so buy a good one.

Well done mate


13th October 2005, 01:54 AM
Thx Ticky:)

Yer I'll do a quick post soon on my sanding toys. So far I've been really impressed with my Little Dewalt Palm Sander & a Bosh Detail Sander I picked up on the cheap at Bunnings.

Up until recently I have been doing all my sanding by Hand; now I know the value of a good ROS!!!!..................However I start all my Finishing work with a Card Scraper which is Still my Favourate and most Valued Finishing tool!!!!

I must admit though I cant wait to get my Hands on a Duo!!!!

REgards Lou:D:D:D

13th October 2005, 12:29 PM
Oh! OK, Lou,

Just seemed a waste of space if it was for anything other than backing upto a wall!..

Nice, can I have one too ;)

Anyway, talking about the back have you thought about something that is like a door, it is flat on the back but when you open it up you could hang the flatter things like blades etc on it.
