View Full Version : 2016 Woodworking Blooper Video

22nd December 2016, 06:49 PM
Hey guys. I just went through my old YouTube videos and selected all the good bits when things don't quite go as expected and compiled it into my 2016 blooper video.

To be quite honest, the last clip in the video went EXACTLY as expected...and yet I did it anyway :booboo:

I am thinking of changing name of my YouTube channel to something along the lines of "Kuffys Woodworking". Do you guys have any better suggestions? I want "woodworking" or "woodworker" in the channel name just for search engine optimization.

Thanks for the help and support

22nd December 2016, 06:54 PM
Klutz Kuffy's Katastrophies and other bed time tales?

Uncle Al
22nd December 2016, 08:09 PM
"Kuffys Woodworking" for the main site, plus "Kuffys Woodworking Kerfuffels" for the bloopers.
Enjoyed watching you having fun. I reckon you should ask Santa for a new pair of gloves though!
Also, ask the man in the red suit for a couple of rules to measure the thickness of your woodturning blanks minus the depth of the recess. Much less eventful when you don't go through the bottom of that prized turning blank!
Stay safe this Christmas,


22nd December 2016, 08:31 PM
Working wood with kuffy ??

22nd December 2016, 08:34 PM
LGS, I need to be able say the name three times fast and I can barely say your suggestion once :D

Al, I do have a few extra pairs of gloves, but you are quite correct. Watching the footage back over again, those gloves I am using on the lathe were well and truly past their use by date. If I asked for something to measure the bowl depths, I reckon Santa would just gimme a smack across the head to hopefully knock some sense in to me.

Matt...uhm....no. I see nothing wrong with it, but there are some perverted freaks out there which will get the wrong idea :D

23rd December 2016, 08:03 AM
Oh, the schadenfreude, how good it feels!

Have a great Christmas and a safe new year, Kuffy & everyone.

Sawdust Maker
23rd December 2016, 08:31 AM
If I caught you doing that to one of my knives I'd use it soprano

actually quite funny - routers are dangerous, lol

oh and buy a decent faceshield and use it. You really shouldn't be turning without using one. You especially shouldn't be doing videos and not showing correct safety procedures :cool:

I'm surprised you couldn't find a funnel - you seemed to be making them on the lathe:p

23rd December 2016, 10:46 AM
"schadenfreude" That's a new word for me. but really, other than typing it out, would you ever use that in a spoken sentence?

You especially shouldn't be doing videos and not showing correct safety procedures :cool:

Noooo, YouTube is purely an entertainment platform. Regardless of content category, it is nothing more than entertainment. Blur that line at your own peril.

I still need to get a faceshield. I keep forgetting to buy one when I am at the shop and I don't care enough about my own personal well being to wait until I have one.

23rd December 2016, 11:33 AM
I still need to get a faceshield. I keep forgetting to buy one when I am at the shop and I don't care enough about my own personal well being to wait until I have one.
If you need more of a prompt take a look at http://www.woodworkforums.com/f67/result-lifting-faceshield-lathe-210935

Back in 2007 while running one of my Big chainsaws on my new chainsaw mill a large nut vibrated loose from the mill and fell onto the chain moving at high speed defecting the nut right between my eyes. Luckily I had a (cheap) face shield on because it still felt like being hit with a big stick. Since then I now have 4 of them. One at the mens shed, one in the van along with my chain saw PPE and 2 in my shed. Now - just need to remember to wear them.

23rd December 2016, 12:45 PM
"schadenfreude" That's a new word for me. but really, other than typing it out, would you ever use that in a spoken sentence?Oh yes, and perhaps a little too regularly lately. The dill that's building here decided to bury my $50 7 function hose nozzle in dry concrete (mixing). He told me I was too fussy about my tools, so I then forbid him to use it. His own hose didn't have the right connection for the tap, so he had to hand carry all the water down 30 metres from the tap to the barrow.

As I sat on the deck supping a coldie and watching the many trips, my schadenfreude was off the scale - particularly as I had the right connection for him sitting on the shed bench. Actually I think there are about 6 in the box. :D

23rd December 2016, 12:53 PM
lol, you mean mean man!

Sawdust Maker
23rd December 2016, 02:39 PM
get an Armadillo face shield
Like This
Be careful of other types as most that are readily available are really just splash guards

28th December 2016, 09:24 AM
+1 for the Armadillo face shield.

28th December 2016, 10:16 AM
In each segment, was hoping to see a finger come off or some sprayed arc of blood from the lathe.

Im feeling a bit ripped off :)

28th December 2016, 10:49 AM
I try to chop my fingers off or get knocked in the head by a piece of timber everyday. But I am ashamed to say that I am just not as good as so many before me. I just don't seem capable of losing digits. When power is available to my saws, they seem to have a force field 0.1mm all the way around the blades and only timber/steel/plastics can penetrate, no human organic matter allowed. It is quite annoying. But if I get Maccas everyday for brekky/lunch and dinner I will hopefully turn into plastic and be able to make the kind of video you hope for woodPixel :D