View Full Version : Weather Boards

Dozey Dougy
4th September 2005, 05:07 PM
I would like to cut several pieces of timber so that they sit flush to the weather boards. Does anyone have a few tips how this can be accurately done given that the boards are already up?


6th September 2005, 12:20 AM
Hi there, i would hold up your timber to the weatherboards on your wall and using a little piece of scrap timber as a spacer (say 20mm wide) with a pencil held against it "trace" the profile against your piece of timber. (this is "scribing" of sorts :p Then all you need to do is cut the waste timber out - preferably with a jig saw or similiar and voila!! :D

10th September 2005, 09:06 AM
the MAN has the PLAN that CAN! which is my way of saying I reckon he's spot on with his advice! Just make sure your boards are level when marking off, but then if they arent, Coburg's clay soil and some dry weather will throw it all out anyway


Welcome Dozey to the forum! Coburg is my old stomping ground - what age home do you have there?

have fun