View Full Version : Eucalyptus Cinerea

23rd February 2017, 08:42 AM
I have a mature Eucalyptus cinerea in my backyard which unfortunately had half of it's canopy blown off in a recent storm and I have to have it removed. The main trunk of the tree is about 5ms tall and around 1.5m in diameter and I was thinking that perhaps it may be useful as timber and I could get it cut and dried and make something with it.

It's a fair bit of work to slab it though and before I get carried away I was wondering if the timber is actually useful for woodworking?



23rd February 2017, 08:57 AM
I'm unfamiliar with the material but all wood is useful for something other than firewood.

23rd February 2017, 04:00 PM
Good Morning Grant

I also know nothing about Euvalyptus Cinerea, Sorry.

However, a few of years ago an acquaintance was obliged to fell several messmates (E Obliqua) with trunk diameter above 1.5 metres and trunk length to the first branches around 15 metres. They were big trees and messmate is very good timber.

Commercial mills were not interested - "too far to take the log loader" - less than 20 kms!

Mini mills could not handle the trunk diameter - too thick.

He searched for productive uses for a couple of years until the logs attracted borers and fungus, and they then went for firewood.

If no other alternative available, it might be possible to split your log into more manageable pieces. Seems a shame; but doable might be better than ideal.

Fair Winds


23rd February 2017, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the replies,

I was thinking of doing it myself with a chainsaw mill - could be a useful learning experience - and I quite like the idea of urban lumber gathering.

