View Full Version : gittin worms

Not enough!!
22nd March 2017, 03:20 PM
Went to Rocklands ( Fishing Monthly Magazines : Rocklands – Wimmera’s redfin Mecca (http://www.fishingmonthly.com.au/Articles/Display/18470-Rocklands--Wimmeras-redfin-Mecca) ) the other day, camping & fishing, its a great place, not many snakes or mozzies there.

DON'T drive on any wet soft ground, its like quick sand, once you break through the surface.

There are heaps of carp to catch some upwards of 10lb (heard of 20 to 30 pounders) they love corn, and they fight better than Reddies, especially on light gear, had to dig several holes to bury the blighters as they are NOT to go back in the water, plus you don't want to stink out the next lot of visitors.

Caught some redfin but ran out of worms, they wouldn't touch yabbies, so me being a frustrated fisho thought, where do I get worms in Summer/early Autumn, my worm farm has compost worms but they are too small/skinny this time of year.

Found this on U-tube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTLZqn407RQ I will make one and see how it goes, some people use a small amount of dishwashing detergent mixed with water or electric probes to flush out the worms, but the stick looks easier and is environmentally friendlier!

I have put down some wet newspaper and cardboard at the sons place, so I hope he keeps it wet, just trying a few options, once I get a good supply of big fat red worms I will set up another worm farm, but i need a regular spot as a back up.

Just thought someone might find this useful, I would say that stick is oak or similar (hardwood) "Duke" is using?


joe greiner
22nd March 2017, 04:33 PM
Around here, they make a sport of it. Sopchoppy is just south of Tallahassee.

Worm Gruntin' Festival 2016 | Sopchoppy, FL (http://www.wormgruntinfestival.com/)


23rd March 2017, 07:38 AM
While it sounds crazy - worm grunting works quite well.

Another method taught to me by my uncle... And used successfully many times:
Get a good stout 4 fine pitch fork
Jam the tines good and deep into the ground
now Rock the handle back and forth. Worms come right up out of the ground.

24th March 2017, 08:40 PM
Stevo, I think these yanks (or maybe they're confederates) are taking the , don't pay them no doggone attention.
Mind you the name Sopchoppy sounds almost as good as our Tamgambalanga up this way.

Not enough!!
1st April 2017, 09:29 PM
That festival sounds like a bit of fun.

I did hear about the fork tines years ago but forgot, so thanks for bringing that up.

Odd names over there but how would our U.S friends go with some of those W.A and QLD names?