View Full Version : Tasmania

16th April 2017, 08:55 AM
We (wifey and me) are planning a fly/drive trip to Tassie at the end of year.

Would like some ideas of must sees, for a novice woodturner, whilst there.


16th April 2017, 10:45 AM
Island speciality timbers at Geeveston sell turning blanks cut from a range of local species.

16th April 2017, 11:06 AM
At Delorane there is an old shop which displays all kinds of crafts including some woodworking/woodturning. Its on the right as you approach the town just 3 doors up from a cake shop that sells good coffee. When we were there in September They had a few turning blanks for sale. The main thing was the diversity of talent in this one shop. Wifey will be happy to see what they have. There is an oil paint artist that has some really well painted scenes. He has one of a John Deere reactor ploughing. The way the artist has used captured the life is noting less than spectacular.
Delorane is only may be 30 ks from Launcesten

16th April 2017, 11:48 AM
My wife and I are doing the Fly/Drive trip in June. We were last there in 09. I sent back a fair bit of timber, in short slab and board form + turning blanks.

One place on the "must see it. this time" list is the Huon wall at Derwent Bridge.

Strahan was a happy hunting ground for blanks and IST, @ Geevestown.

Anyone with more current info?

Big Shed
16th April 2017, 11:51 AM
We spent an interesting hour or so inspecting the Vin Smith collection in Geeveston, upstairs in the Forest and Heritage Centre



16th April 2017, 02:54 PM
Nothing to do with wood, but you must buy a bag of apples from the roadside stalls. I am not an avid apple eater but whilst in Tassie I couldn't get enough, just so fresh and juicy. Mind you it has been about 10 years since visiting so I hope the stalls still exist. Every time we go back there seems to be less little businesses to visit as you travel along the roads due to more and more regulations they have to abide by and they decide it isn't worth it.

artful bodger
16th April 2017, 09:45 PM
For a novice woodturner the pickings are rather slim worse luck.
There used to be a few woodturning attractions but they are sadly no longer there.
If you are looking for a few bowl turning blanks then Strahan or the huon pine mill at Queenstown would be a good start.
Salamanca Market (every Saturday in Hobart) has a few woodworking stalls with touristy kind of souvineers. Sometimes there is a bloke there that sells really well made top notch bowls if you are lucky but I have not noticed him for a while.
"The Wall", at Derwent Bridge is astounding. It is not wood turning but relief carving and is no doubt the best you will see anywhere in the world,ever. However if your wife has strong femminist ideals it may leave her non-plussed as it largely depicts mussceley blokes with throbbing veins doing hard yakka with the odd horse and dog thrown in. However Tillman Rheimenschnieder....eat your heart out,(well chew your fingernails) It is awesome.
Island Specialty Timbers at Geeveston does sell timber but the price is not bargain basement exactly. On the way down there from Hobart there is an eclectic "olde wares" shop in Huonville called "Rogue Empire" that also sells Tassie native timbers. Although they seem rather pricey too, they sometimes have smaller bits of burl myrtle,etc for reasonable prices that would be of interest to a turner.
Also when in Hobart, a trip to MONA is a must. Allow a day for it. It has single handedly transformed Tassie from a backwater to a trendsetter.

Rod Gilbert
17th April 2017, 07:13 PM
We haven't been since 2003 so not up on what is still open as places come and go every where but I would suggest any where is great the whole of Tassie is great they can teach any hospitality industry how it's done every where you go you feel very welcome and there are little gallery's every where but as stated they know the value of good timber and unless you find an Aladdin's cave be prepared to pay the going rate for good pieces but that is the same anywhere these days.
Regards Rod.

artful bodger
17th April 2017, 08:02 PM
Forgot to mention, The Design Centre of Tasmania on the corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets Launceston has a nice variety of high quality arts and crafts and is worth a visit if you are in the area.

Enfield Guy
17th April 2017, 08:25 PM
Have a scollop pie. It's compulsory, and addictive.