View Full Version : My New Samar

14th September 2005, 01:26 PM

Built in the 1950's by the local firm, Samarcraft. About 18' long. Meranti clinker build. Holden 186 motor. Very good sea boat with quite a turn of speed to boot. Hull seems sound - pity about the rest of it. :D

She's been in the family of the previous owner for donkey's years and much loved but found herself relegated to the role of driveway queen behind a tupperware boat. The son of the owner finally realised that he wasn't going to be able to restore her, and so she came to me. :D

And now for the boat .

14th September 2005, 01:55 PM
Clearly there is no end to you massochistic tendencies!

We all look forward to your weekly posts on progress of the restoration..... for the next 10 years!!

Nice one Richard!


P :D

Wild Dingo
14th September 2005, 04:50 PM
Richard mate... mate?... oi yer there Richard??... bloody ell mate! Talk about a challenge!!! strewth man oh man can you say pain?!! LOOKIT ERE INNNARDS BOYO!!! :eek:

yep midge is right masochistic in the extreme :p

14th September 2005, 05:15 PM
Richard mate... mate?... oi yer there Richard??... bloody ell mate! Talk about a challenge!!! strewth man oh man can you say pain?!! LOOKIT ERE INNNARDS BOYO!!! :eek:
yep midge is right masochistic in the extreme :p

Innards? Innards? Mate, cop this piccy of the innards. Yes, the black much IS that black, that is some sort of underwater weed growing in there and there are what look like orchids or something growing in the cockpit.


14th September 2005, 05:19 PM
Like all these projects, she's not at bad as she looks but probably a lot worse than I realise. The hull's sound - she'd play fishing float right now if I launched her, as opposed to snapper reef. But the motor is apparently stuffed (dunno about that, looks good from the outside - nice and clean looking but I'm not game enough to start it without some careful looking and probing) and some of the decking has been pulled off and lost. But hey, if life was meant to be pleasurable, we'd all be using woodies.

Richard :D

14th September 2005, 05:50 PM
STREWTH! What a bloody pile a' flamin firewood!!!! Bet it musta cost ya squillions..... ya shoulda arkseded me before you laid down yer hard earned.

14th September 2005, 08:03 PM
Well done, Richard! Ignore the dissenting voices. At least you got the entire boat this time! ;)

14th September 2005, 08:09 PM
Innards? Innards? Mate, cop this piccy of the innards. Yes, the black much IS that black, that is some sort of underwater weed growing in there and there are what look like orchids or something growing in the cockpit.


Well it holds water, so Im assumeing it will keep the water out as well??

Al :confused:

14th September 2005, 08:58 PM
well the knockers are either rich or tired or both,looks ok,trailer must be worth a bit too,should see my projects

Wild Dingo
14th September 2005, 09:36 PM
Now I betcha them fellas didnt take a gander at that black sludge there did they? :rolleyes:

Mate... you can do it... tis not TOO hard now is it?... I mean you can get it done ol fella no worries... you dont have a life do you? No worries then easy as! :p

Now as a writer ol mate you better start thinkin your new mantra will be... "Im gonna be JK Rowlins Im gonna be JK Rowlins etc" or else "Steven Speilberg WILL buy my next book Steven Speilberg WILL buy my next book etc"

Now Im not sayin it cant be done... HECK Im not even sayin YOU cant do it mate!! I reckon yer can ;) but mate yer still gonna be hard at it when I get over there to visit in ooohhh bout 2010 :D

14th September 2005, 11:44 PM
Oh for heavens sake you guys. :D:D:D

Daddles has just a touch of experience in these things wooden boaty, and he never said the investment he was risking, so it could be just good fun.

Go for it my boy. Should be a hell of a challenge.

14th September 2005, 11:55 PM
but mate yer still gonna be hard at it when I get over there to visit in ooohhh bout 2010 :D

2010? Yeah, the first paint job will have so much squid ink and be scratched by so many big snapper by then, that'll probably be looking at a quick tart up for the Goolwa Wooden Boat Festival the next year.

Oh ye of little faith.

(we need a shaking head smilie)

Wild Dingo
15th September 2005, 12:27 AM
Yer yous guys!! What Rookie said strewth give the poor wee daddles fella a break will yer? :rolleyes:

No worries mate we believe you can do it... eventually... sometime far far away over the rainbow ;)

Now what I want you to do yer "grumpy ol fella" is to make yerself a wee list... yes yes so it will prolly run to 60000190002222 pages of A3 size paper but what the heck eh? so make that list and as yer do each wee jobby just give it a tick and let us know... pics are a must of course! :cool:

As for yer havin been fishin in that wee boaty lookin thingymajob by the year 2010 :D :D :D :D :D :D yeah right!!! :p

15th September 2005, 01:36 AM
Okay you rat bag. You've forced me to do it. I'm going to disclose the horrendous price paid for this here piece of local history (yep, it is too according to those in the wooden boat world :D ).

She cost me ... two cartons of beer :eek: :D

The bloke who owned reckonned I'd fix her up and get her working again whereas most of these old girls have been turned into snapper reefs. With a pat on the back like that, who could say 'no' at the price.


Wild Dingo
15th September 2005, 02:05 AM
You flamin crow eatin galah!! :rolleyes: You gave him 2 cartons of beer for that?? :eek: Gawd he got you good didnt he? :p Saw you comin a mile off :D

mmm unless you gave him 2 cartons of southwark... then he should have you arrested!! :eek:

oh alright to give yer credits mate thats a fair price for the trailer :cool: its actually kind of him to give yer all that firewood sittin on it for free though... nice fella that one eh?! ;)

15th September 2005, 03:08 AM
You flamin crow eatin galah!! :rolleyes: You gave him 2 cartons of beer for that?? :eek: Gawd he got you good didnt he? :p Saw you comin a mile off :D

mmm unless you gave him 2 cartons of southwark... then he should have you arrested!! :eek:

oh alright to give yer credits mate thats a fair price for the trailer :cool: its actually kind of him to give yer all that firewood sittin on it for free though... nice fella that one eh?! ;)

And the firewood's got all that lovely paint and oil on it so it'll burn real well :D

The trailer's a goodun, and built by the company that built the boat, for the boat - she's a bit historical too (yeah, I know, the whole deal is hysterical).

Hah, when I win 'people's choice' at Goolwa in two years time, you flock o' galahs'll be chattering on the other side of yer beaks.


15th September 2005, 09:30 AM

Richard!!!!! AARRGGhh, you got us (me) good!! 2 cartons of beer - Bargain!!!!!!

Happy Restoring


15th September 2005, 10:16 AM
first the divorce, now this ? writers are such maschocists arnt they ? :D

15th September 2005, 11:04 AM
first the divorce, now this ? writers are such maschocists arnt they ? :D

Zed, you obviously misunderstand the meaning of the word masochist :D Some things are worth working for and sometimes, the trip is worth it on its own. Wooden boats fall into that category. There is much about building boats I dislike (sanding, sanding, sanding), but much I love about it too - being able to cruise up the river with someone gorgeous in the stern seat when it's finished springs to mind.


Wild Dingo
15th September 2005, 05:26 PM
Zed, you obviously misunderstand the meaning of the word masochist :D Some things are worth working for and sometimes, the trip is worth it on its own. Wooden boats fall into that category. There is much about building boats I dislike (sanding, sanding, sanding), but much I love about it too - being able to cruise up the river with someone gorgeous in the stern seat when it's finished springs to mind.


HA!! :D Writers theyre such dreamers!! :p Look ever forward Richard me ol cobber ever forward for sometime in the way way of future of far far away is a time when yer will be sittin on that wee stinker with some fine young sheila layin back in a string bikini marguarita in hand as ye wend yer way up the Torrens in search of some elusive rainbow colored butterfly... seekin but never finding looking but never seeing... aahhh to be a dreamer eh? GO FOR BROKE Daddles me ol china plate :cool:

Have yer done that list yet? Oh right you started it didnt you? okay so I wont bother you for a year or so eh? you may be 1/4 way through WRITING it by then!! :D

15th September 2005, 06:28 PM
Daddles, you got ripped off.... He sold me the same boat for only a six pack just last week, he said he will deliver it too for that!

15th September 2005, 09:11 PM
must of been west end draught i reckon, i ll put photos of my rig in soon and see what you reckon as to wheter im a sucker or a new up and coming alan bond at any rate ive got some stuff happening down this way and would like some sarcastic,knowledgable,real,b.s,any ideas really a barge and a 27 yacht ive recently acquired so bring it on cause sometimes you all sound like total idiots but then again there are some real pearls of wisdom there as well so ......

Wild Dingo
15th September 2005, 10:23 PM
Man what a conversation!!! :eek: :D

I mean we gots daddles who reckons hes the ducks knuts cause he reckons he got the deal of a lifetime with that sludge filled wood rotten mess of firewood on the fairly good knick trailer for a couple of cartoons of southwark :rolleyes: Bloody authors eh? mad buggars!! too flamin right they are madder than a chaff bag full of cut snakes :eek:

Then we got the "legend" hisownself who... well dahmnitall who... well strewth we all know that ol reprobated maniacal git! Oi whatever happened to yer mess of timber bits that you were meant to restore Chris? :rolleyes: If I recall it werent so bad was it :cool: then again maybe you done done it an I missed it... as usual... so pics time ol codger!! :p

and now we got a young fella from Tassie... I mean comeon here Tassy??? :rolleyes: egads an gadzooks jockman!! :D Whos got a Alan Bond complex which as anyone with half a pair of gronicles knows aint the best of aspirations to have I mean the buggars a bloody crim for cryin out loud! :mad: and... AND!! he fails to show his "rig" :p

And of course theres me... well known debonair man about town a legend in his own ming a ne'er do well haunterer of the west coast marinas auctions an wharf rat of world renown... a bigger dreamer than Daddlies up there will ever be... I mean I dream BIG... seriously BIG!!! like 40-50ft big!! AND by gar I gots ta builds it from scatch all by meownself... cause Im a flamin legend in me own ming!! ;) :D

But hey Daddlies go for broke ol son!!! Any advice an assistance I can give yer just give me a hoi an I'll find somethin to get busy with real quic... errr help out!! :D ;)

15th September 2005, 10:44 PM
so im finally in a,so can you bunch of northeners help a poor 2 headed boy in regards to 1,a barge and 2 a mast step problem,but no the bloody septics did first, lucky im a parochial bastard,can you all have a bo peep in routers forum and tell me if you all got any ideas cheers all you big ears specially you croweater

16th September 2005, 12:27 AM
samag has got me thinking,,,,,,,,,,is it south aust mariners are gluttons or is it silly arsed multitude andlotsofem gluttons, i know im not brilliant but at least im a tryin

Wild Dingo
16th September 2005, 02:16 AM
Mate... really who gives a purple flyin rats ass as long as yer tryin??!!!

Me I was takin the phiss outta Diddles up there and him bein a easy goin larrikin that he is was takin it like the Duddles he is see he dont give a Daddlies dohicky if I take the phiss or not see hes got that heep of rotten wood and the nice trailer so he doesnt give a Doddley diddlies dookey what I think of it hes totally Didididlyidies with his great ubeaut peice of rotten wood on the nice trailer!! And that at the end of the day is what matters :cool:

As for yourself with your huon pine barge... never did see that mast problem but nonetheless... I answered your post on the routing forum (ahem it should have been posted here in the boatbuilding section by the way ;) ) in my usual quiet short succinct and concise manner

Now as to the attitude... get over yerself sonshine! :rolleyes: Got questions ask away theres always someone here who can will or maybe able to offer answers to the question and if not theres bound to be someone who also wouldnt mind knowin the answer and will keep it to the front till someone else who does know the answer pops in and gives it... just relax!

Crickey as for Tasweejians with 2 heads? well Ive heard of them fellas and the sheilas with 4 nipples and one on the bum but Ive never met either... so whats it like?... havin 2 heads I mean... hasnt seemed to raised the old IQ level a great deal so it must have its benifits in other ways eh?

Oooh an while were at it yer galah... Im the one thats been takin the phiss... well mostly... and mate Im a sandgroper!! :rolleyes: not a bloody croweater!! dems fightin words appleboy!! :mad:

16th September 2005, 10:42 AM
Umm, yeah. A post in the routing forum would be missed by me - I never go there. :rolleyes:

As for labelling the dingo chappie a croweater ... oh dear, do we really have to accept his sort? :eek:

BTW Master Dingo sir, you are welcome to view said vessel at any time of your convenience - bring beer ... and sandpaper. :D

True story - I told one of my son's mates that he was welcome anytime, just bring sandpaper. He didn't know what I meant, so Dean says - to work on the boat. The kid still didn't get it. So Dean explains that I wanted him to come and help sand the boat. The kid still didn't get it - wouldn't work in an iron lung :rolleyes:


16th September 2005, 11:17 AM
Umm, yeah. A post in the routing forum would be missed by me - I never go there. :rolleyes:

As for labelling the dingo chappie a croweater ... oh dear, do we really have to accept his sort? :eek:

BTW Master Dingo sir, you are welcome to view said vessel at any time of your convenience - bring beer ... and sandpaper. :D

True story - I told one of my son's mates that he was welcome anytime, just bring sandpaper. He didn't know what I meant, so Dean says - to work on the boat. The kid still didn't get it. So Dean explains that I wanted him to come and help sand the boat. The kid still didn't get it - wouldn't work in an iron lung :rolleyes:

Or...... maybe smarter than you give him credit for? :D

16th September 2005, 11:34 AM
Or...... maybe smarter than you give him credit for? :D

Oh you fiend sir. :D

No, sadly this kid is as described. Now, had it been the lad's other good mate, you'd be right, only he'd have brought his own sandpaper without me asking.

Ah kids today, they aren't like we were ... thank goodness :D


16th September 2005, 11:17 PM
hey Daddles

dont feel bad...... im restoring a old hartley 16ft and have had to replace the entire hull....... yes the hull as much as it sounds bad i seem to be driven to restore such old beast as yet im not exactly sure on the make its either a ts16 half cabin or a flareline half cabin 5.00mtr beam but it sounds like the same story as yours is in i have inhereted it from a family member too and i saved it from being fire wood it actualy went turn turtle with a big hole in the plywood from poor sealent under the centre board and as im verry new to woodworking as there was a prior arrangment for a mate to help me and got stuck with the whole job :confused: so dont feel bad you are not alone on this one and restoring the old girl would be a great experiance not to many around and its realy a part of the family now just have to see the whole thing thru now with no boat knowlage and no real wood work experiance its going to be fun ive been reading all posts in how to repair the boat by all members of this site some real good info so any infomation from anyone has would be great:D

will post some boat soon

p.s im still looking around for that boat motor for you too.........

regards simon

17th September 2005, 01:38 AM
Nah Simon, me Samar's nowhere near as silly as that.

The old TS16 eh? Great boats. They still race them, still build them especially for racing. I know a bloke who wanted to go dinghy racing but found the TS16 was the only thing that gave him room to get under the boom (he's a BIG bloke).

Go for it. You'd have to wonder about replacing the whole hull, but at least it's only four bits of plywood. You'll be able to call her Grandad's Axe.

Seeing you're in Adelaide, how about you drop in and we'll compare psychosis.


19th September 2005, 12:41 AM

hey looks like ive got a bit of a task to do and the only thing that keeps me going is the final result and i would be glad to catch up some time and compare boats and you might have some good methods of of how to repair this beast as im learning as i go along what is your email address? to excange details

here is some boat

19th September 2005, 01:26 AM
You can send emails by clicking on a bod's name and choosing the appropriate option mate. :D


19th September 2005, 01:27 AM
Looks like you've got a job there ahead of you. Funny how the Hartley designs all have that nice sub structure to glue the timber to - reminds me a lot of Aberdeen's Husky. Should be good when she's finished


7th October 2005, 10:21 AM
If you guys spent as much time restoring your boats as you do doing posts the mind boggles at what could be achieved :rolleyes: The Samara looks could Daddles if it holds water thats a start. As for the motor take the plugs out and pore some diesel in each cylinder that will free them up and make sure they dont rust up any worse leave it sit in there for as long as you want.
Have fun :cool:

26th December 2005, 06:41 PM
I have read the comments of the sceptics, I have seen the boat, I still wish you the best of luck....:p

Not everything in life is impossible, some things just take longer, and longer and a long time as well...... at least you are still young enough to realise your dream with this one.

26th December 2005, 06:56 PM
I have read the comments of the sceptics, I have seen the boat, I still wish you the best of luck....:p

Ahh Glen. The attitude of some to my pile of firewood still upsets me. I mean, can't they seen the possibilities :confused:

I still haven't been game enough to start on her ... well, still working on the Yellowtail. That's me excuse and I'm sticking to it :D


26th December 2005, 07:02 PM
You hang in there Richard, Rome wasn't built in a day and I can see possibilities all the same with yours. A challenge it is but if you pop into Pacific Marine down the Port way and take a look at the restored one there of similar proportions to yours it would be a motivator for sure!