View Full Version : Help with cutting and routing some 12mm board in Melb. Will pay

30th June 2017, 12:40 PM
I live in a flat on the northern outskirts of Melbourne. No access to tools or a workshop of any note. I would like to build a boombox, but need to get board cut and routed. I'm not looking for a handout, I will pay, but figure I would just be nuisance value to a commercial enterprise. I don't have a CAD program, and couldn't use it if I did. All I have is a sketchup design that I will try and attach as a 2D drawing. If anyone is prepared to help with a table saw and router, it would be appreciated.


30th June 2017, 04:40 PM
I've laid out how I think it would be cut from a 1200 x 2400 sheet


1st July 2017, 01:42 AM
Hi Howey

welcome to the forums.
I'm sure that someone in Melbourne will cruise past and offer some help.

In the mean time, when you say 12 mm board, do you mean 12 mm MDF or ply or Melamine coated board
the material affects how the parts can be laid out, and how much space needs to be left between each bit. Melamine board needs a larger space between components than plain MDF.

Given how small the boom box is, you might be able to cut all the pieces from a 1/4 sheet of stuff.

1st July 2017, 02:09 AM
Thanks Ian. Ply or MDF. Preferably ply. Not melamine. I'm hoping that if anyone does offer to help, they'll be more across the best way to lay it out and what size material I'll need to start with.

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1st July 2017, 03:03 AM
Hi Howie,

i already make make spekers of MDF for the audio nutters out there. It's not my passion, but I make exactly what they want with absolute prescission. I must be doing something right as its all world of mouth referrals :) Some of them are very demanding about every microscopic detail and elaborate internals!

ill send a PM and/or email (if you are registered), but essentially I can offer to either make all the parts for you so you can self assemble, or I can make it all for you.

2nd July 2017, 05:27 PM
I just thought to add a note here.... it isnt my intention to be over-aggressive in my response :)

I tend to get really enthusiastic about things I like doing and I'm a bit weird in that I enjoy using MDF as a material... same as cardboard and marine ply.

Its all rather irrational as a woodworker to enjoy these materials, but they feel good to me as a "peasant" product, much the same way as a Big Mac is peasant food... its cheap, nutritious and serves the masses well (I stole this line from a movie called "Burnt")

If someone else wants to have a crack at it too, dont let my enthusiasm discourage you!

3rd July 2017, 01:08 AM
Howey, clear your inbox, its full. Email me perhaps :)

Big Shed
4th July 2017, 06:05 PM
Off topic thread hijacks have been removed.