View Full Version : what hartley is it ?????????

18th September 2005, 11:47 PM
hi im new to this forum and i have a hartley boa that needs restoration 16ft but im not sure exactly sure what make either a ts16 or a flairline if anyone can help me out with this on please do so........... also in need of any opinions on how to repair the hull with new plywood as its gone down in the water before i owned it and now have this project to repair with little or no knowlage about boat building so all opinions welcomed

regards simon

18th September 2005, 11:50 PM
When it's repaired I'd advise turning it up the other way before going out in it ;)

18th September 2005, 11:59 PM
Gumby............... with that kind of advice i cant go wrong:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

19th September 2005, 12:32 AM
from the hull shape I would say its a stink boat not a TS 16 unless it has a centrecase then its out the door with my ideas :D

19th September 2005, 10:53 AM
When it's repaired I'd advise turning it up the other way before going out in it ;)

aye aye captn

it doesn't seem to be a 'artley ts16

19th September 2005, 06:58 PM
I'll have a look thru me hartley cattledog and see if I can ID it for ya

19th September 2005, 07:44 PM
Not a Matilda is it???

19th September 2005, 07:51 PM
Dunno but it still wouldn't sail outa sight on a dark night if it's a Hartley ;) :D

Auld Bassoon
19th September 2005, 08:05 PM

Have to agree with FXST - that's not a sailboat, more likely a small o/board powered day boat.

Might still be nice, even with that racket going on... :)


19th September 2005, 10:04 PM
back from the quest :D
it is more than likely a New Vivid 15'6 open runabout or half cabin,single or twin outboards to 100hp Can be lauched and retrieved by 1 man from a trailer
tows skiers with 40hp.
can be lengthened to 16 or seventeen feet
Pic in the book pretty well is a match
if it aint a hartley er sorry cant help :D

19th September 2005, 11:20 PM
How do you lengthen to 17'? attach two 100hp and full throttle with ropes attached to jetty :rolleyes:
Bloody hartleys, should be shot with a ball of their own shyte.
(he who favours his Ultimate 23)

20th September 2005, 12:47 AM
hi guys
this boat had an 100hp motor on it when i got it and it also has a top window on top that i had to remove it was one straight window from one side to the other 2 bait boards on the back next to the transom each side of the motor with 2 wooden doors on the cabin i will try to chase down some more pictures when it was all together and post them if anyone has a picture or knows where an internet site to view any pics that you all might think what type of boat it is so keep up the good work:D i was going to buy some hartley plans glad i didnot now

regards simon

20th September 2005, 01:51 PM
Simon this is the best scan I could get of the vivid looks bludy close I reckon

20th September 2005, 06:23 PM
Fordy me old china, Hartley boats have been built by the bloody tens of thousands and many, many of the things are still sailed/motored by very satified owners.... I dare say that there are many still being built right now so fix the old girl up and ENJOY the boat and be proud of what you have restored....

20th September 2005, 11:40 PM
hey FXST
yea that looks verry close to the old girl do you know of an internet site for some better pictures looks real close do you have the plans or was that from a book that gives you types of boats is there any way of measureing anything to get a more of an idea :confused: :confused:

Christopha..... will be a great boat when im finished after i find out what she exactly is :D

and for all that are trying to help thankyou all there will be many other questions to come as i might need all of your assistance on the repairs that i need to make and the best choices of what replacement wood types i can use that are readly avilable :)

thanks all

20th September 2005, 11:49 PM
Here's the Hartley site, but I don't think your boat is mentioned. However, I'm sure Aberdeen will confirm that they are a helpful mob to deal with.

Hartley boats (http://www.hartley-boats.com/)


Wild Dingo
21st September 2005, 12:27 AM
Simon... why are you so concerned about what design it is? I mean you dont need the plans to fix it up do you? The frames seem intact the shape is there in other words so all you need do is buy the ply cut to fit and seal with epoxy an glass er up! Do the needed paint job and a bit of cosmetics then bung on the outboard again run the stearing in toss er on a trailer and buggar of fishin :cool:

As long as the shape... ie: the frames... and the keel are all there in the right places and unbroken or rotted theres no reason why you couldnt be able to follow the "lines" of them to get your boat up an running? Name her what she is ie: "whatever" and go for broke!! ;)

Dont let not knowin what design she is/was/maybe/couldbe stop or slow you down!!

25th September 2005, 01:38 AM
wild dingo
its not about what type or design she is im just wanting to know because i would like to sorce some plans as im only a novice at boat repairs and this is my first repair i have ever done so if i stuff somthing up i can get the exact mesurement for what i need for the job and as for the rot she has a little bit in the ribs only 2 in the middle of the boat what are the procedures of finding out how bad it is and how do i treat it it looks like black rot to me any info on this would be great or if anyone is close "down south" that can drop in and have a look for me that would be even better always good to have outside opinions so "viewing welcome":D

some pics of when i first got her "staring my daughter"

25th September 2005, 09:07 AM
some pics of when i first got her "staring my daughter"
I trust your projects are not like mine and your daughter has had her 21st birthday :D :D :D

25th September 2005, 04:49 PM
Mate seeing as your in Adelaide give duck flat wooden boats a call they may know someone your way that could help ya out. lots of of guys building or renoing boats in adelaide. :)

14th January 2006, 08:42 AM
Hi Ford 011
Just found your thread.
Have an interest in old Hartley boats.... just finished building one myself and about to start the next. This one will probably be the 'Flareline 15' which looks very similar to the photo you posted.

Have you worked out what it is yet???

I do have a brand new (about 1966) set of unused Plans for what used to be known as "New Joytime" (now Flareline) Hartley's changed lots of names I think to narrow the range. Joytime was the inboard version, Gadabout was the outboard version.

It certainly looks like a Hartley.

I'm down south, if you still need someone to take a closer look drop me a PM and if possible and not too far I'd be happy to pop in with the old plans and books and see if we can identify etc.

Glenn a.k.a. 'Aberdeen'

16th January 2006, 02:00 AM

I was shocked to have been emailed on this topic as i thought all help was lost....... but now there might be hope after all ???????

as for what i have found out on what make this boat of mine is im still not sure but if you are willing to take a look at it for me that would be great at the moment i dont know what to do as im unsure of where to start and what i should be doing as my skills with woodwork are not so good ........:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

well as it was planned a mate that has being doing boat building for years was going to give me a hand to show me how and what i should be doing has left me stranded with no help what so ever and now i just dont know how to see it back to the water again as this was my big dream now seems imposible

but if your willing to have a look that might give me an idea if it is a hartley or not have had a few people tell me she looks like a hartley and if you know your hartley,s you will know and a present it is in need of some attention and having been reading a lot of info from this forum has helped me alot i still need to know how some of the technics used on how to rebuild her thats somthing i just dont know

i will send you an email with my contact details so we can get in contact with each other and see what make this boat realy is

thankyou for offering to help me out with this mystery boat good help these days only comes from good people :) :) :)

16th January 2006, 08:14 AM
Will wait for your email - hope you aren't on the other side of the State :eek:

Glenn down at Woodcroft

16th January 2006, 11:38 AM
Include me in the group and we'll make a day of it Simon. Cuppa tea, a boat to analyse and someone else's workshop to gloat over - I'll be in that :D


16th January 2006, 12:24 PM
Hey Richard
Just got one of those big fan things, the one on the stand like they used to use in the bargain basement at Myers back in the 60's ! (probably still have them at Harris Scarfes in the city)
That should help make the shed a bit more comfortable on those warmer days, not to mention being able to blow out any cobwebs, dust and the like in one go!

16th January 2006, 04:10 PM
Oohh! I didn't realize that boats came complete with a hole that size?


16th January 2006, 06:12 PM
You said it was 16'
What is the beam ? 6' 9" or 7' 5" maybe

17th January 2006, 01:49 AM

well as for my workshop i dont have one of them yet as i have only lived here {morphett vale} that is for only the past few years and are roughing it out in the backyard with what i got but you both are welcome to have a look and tell me what you think of it {how bad} but i will let you be the judge of that one and any ideas you both might have any knowlage that you both have might be the greatest help too me and as for the cost ive got $1800 or more to throw at it but you both might have a better idea on that one

Aberdeen..... i know its 16ft and its 4.88mts long is there any way i could take the mesurement 6' 9" or 7' 5" is this 7.5mts

And thankyou for taking a look for me


17th January 2006, 08:10 AM
Morphett Vale, now that is a bonus.... will send my mobile no. give me a call and we will pop around the corner.


21st January 2006, 02:39 AM

Im sorry i have not contacted you yet i will be soon i will make it for a not so hoter day that should be soon but i will give you a ring a.s.a.p and DADDLES i will send you a pm with my contact details to get you too have a look too i live near lonsdale area of morphett vale as well guys i will catch up with you soon


2nd February 2006, 07:55 PM
Simon, hope things are okay your way - worried you might have taken that lovely bottomless Hartley out in the water or something?

I'm trying to work a new group site for Hartley owners & builders.
Don't know if it will take off or what.
Set up on Yahoo

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hartley_boats/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hartley_boats/)


7th February 2006, 01:21 AM
my head is still above water as yet no need to send the search party all is ok here. but i still have to get in contact with you yet sorry for not ringing sooner but ive been busy on repairing a mates 19.6ft hartley that needs a bit of attention but we have got it all sorted out now and she is a nice boat too will ring you a.s.a.p shall we bring richard aboard as well there too


7th February 2006, 08:22 AM
Not a problem, never any rush, when you have the time spare.
I might be unavailable from Thursday to Friday but free after that.
Make sure you guys consider signing into the Hartley email group, need some hartley owner members to get it kick started...... Just need to (free) sign up at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hartley_boats/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hartley_boats/)
Already have about 4 or 5. You can post some photos of your boat, and your mates boat..... anything Hartley is welcome.

I'm free today or from Saturday. Whenever......... and Richard is keen to take a look in also.


my head is still above water as yet no need to send the search party all is ok here. but i still have to get in contact with you yet sorry for not ringing sooner but ive been busy on repairing a mates 19.6ft hartley that needs a bit of attention but we have got it all sorted out now and she is a nice boat too will ring you a.s.a.p shall we bring richard aboard as well there too
