View Full Version : small PA speakers in car

16th September 2017, 10:16 PM
when I was a young lad I had a cassette tape player that sat on the dashboard. I had a stack of different tapes with noises on them...ie cows mooing, car brakes locking up (big time) train whistles & steam engines, woof whistles etc etc

I want to bring this into modern tech with noises on either my ph or a USB play through an amp(?) and then to speakers behind the grill.

Over here we enjoy and celebrate Aust Day with gusto and have street parades etc

Aside from the possible legal side (friends in high places in local police force) how do I do this> Ive been stuffing around all day trying to work it out.

16th September 2017, 11:36 PM
Wes Harrison (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=Zb3spEq05Pw&NR=1) has some examples of this.

17th September 2017, 10:31 AM
My Dad's cousin had a business supplying PA systems to shows, fairs etc based in Cheviot NZ. He had some big speakers on the roof rack of his car through which he could publicise up-coming events. Cheviot is some distance from the railway and in the early hours of April 1 he drove through the town with the sound of a big steam locomotive blaring from his speakers.

17th September 2017, 11:21 AM
Any megaphone (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/MEGAPHONE-Bull-Horn-55Watts-Siren-with-Bluetooth-Player-Handheld-PA-Loudspeak-/112012533974?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368)with bluetooth and the sound tracks on your phone.

17th September 2017, 11:24 AM
It's comforting to see some people never grow up. :D

17th September 2017, 01:20 PM
when I was a young lad I had a cassette tape player that sat on the dashboard. I had a stack of different tapes with noises on them...ie cows mooing, car brakes locking up (big time) train whistles & steam engines, woof whistles etc etc

I want to bring this into modern tech with noises on either my ph or a USB play through an amp(?) and then to speakers behind the grill.

Over here we enjoy and celebrate Aust Day with gusto and have street parades etc

Aside from the possible legal side (friends in high places in local police force) how do I do this> Ive been stuffing around all day trying to work it out.
My Old Man used to always say," Go quietly, but carry a big stick."

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th September 2017, 01:51 PM
I used to do similar with a PA on a CB Radio. Made myself a signal generator that gen'd sounds like the Star Trek Red Alert, old ambos, etc & plugged it into the AUX input.

I imagine similar should still be possible today. Maybe an MP3 player linked thru a CB?

(And yes. I was blatantly trying to copy Wes Harrison... 'cept all that ever heard a thing were cows, more cows and the occasional roo. :D )

19th September 2017, 08:14 PM
All speakers are PA speakers with a big enough amp... :rolleyes: