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21st November 2017, 11:54 AM
Jerilderie Jaunt and Watcha Dooen at Dooen? This is my 5th anniversary and we are shaking things up a little bit.

Fri 26 Jan
Sat 26 Jan
Sun 28 Jan

To start off this year will be a tribute to our dearly departed Reploconics aka Trev or Trevor Jones. He may be gone but his spirit lives on!

Something else different. On the Friday of that the GTG I have opened it up to home educated (home schoolers as some may call them) children. The intent here is for each child to be able to do a short project ranging between 30 - 90 minutes. Kids will range from 5 to their teens. At this stage I have had expressions of interest for more than 40 kids over the period of the day

Your help ... if you are willing to work with a child for a project that would be greatly appreciated. This is a fine oppurtunity to introduce a new generation to the wonders of woodwork. I would ask if possible for those that are willing could you bring what is needed to do projects with 5 to 10 children. If you need to reimbursed cost of materials we can make that known to the parents what each project will cost for materials. You are welcome and invited to bring your own tools and projects. If you do not wish to do a project with a younger person that is fine, you are still welcome for all three days.

So far everyone who came last year has indicated they are coming and happy to work with the a young person. That said there may be one or two who cant make it but things change so we will see what happens

As usual the rest of the time will be a make up demonstrations and the regular banter. Bring your family too.

That places it a little over 400 km w / sw of the Jerilderie for those who came when it was there.


It is about 1/2 way between Adelaide and Melbourne on the northern edge of Horsham.


Not for the faint hearted, the property is still a little rough when it comes to living quarters. I do hope to have some green grass this time round

There is a shed and will be at least 4 lathes on hand to use. The shed has changed from below.


For anyone who wants to rough it there is plenty of room for a swag, tent or caravan.

If you want to or can demonstrate anything over the event please let me know either on here or by PM

What will be

show and tell
Buy, swap, sell & give away
A yarn or three
Food, food and more food
Oppurtunity to use or learn on a lathe

Oldgreybeard may give some photograpgy and photoshop lessons
If Maureen comes she will likely bring her spinning wheel
Raechell will have her dolls and be happy to show anyone interested

Demo's and Lessons
Plans are to have a morning and afternoon demonstration each of the three days. This is seperate to crafting demo's which may appeal mainly to the women.
I hope to have the following same as last year in general terms though specifics may change
1) Production Turning
2) Finishing
3) Box making Incra Jig.
4) Thread Chasing

Open to other suggestions here above and below

In the crafting section
1) Pyrography
2) Painting (dolls making)
3) Hair Rooting (doll making)
4) Spinning Yarn

What to bring

Anything for the above
A chair
A wood working project/s to do or show off
Metal working as well if so inclined
Areo guard and a hat
Some of your work

Scrap Heap Challenge if anyone wants to have a go. Warning ... I did burn a lot so pile has shrunk to Raechell's delight.

There is a heap of fire wood and cut branches as well as sheet material & scrap metal etc. The challenge to make something from that heap. What ever is made must be minimum 90 % from that heap and the scrap metal heap.


links copied from last year, hopefully still work

Horsham will provide the greatest range and closest accommodation for those who do not wish to rough it. This is a wotif link but feel free to look up locations by other means

The house would be on offer but not sure where I will be with the Reno's

Any demos or workshops are more than welcome as would be a lesson on how to use a mill or metal lathe.

Please let us know your level of interest in attending.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

21st November 2017, 12:04 PM
Food Similar to last year

Thursday night there will be a BBQ for whoever is there was a pleasant evening last year I think we had close to a dozen.


Bacon & Eggs
Baked beans


Pies and Pasties
Hot Dogs


Spaghetti Bolognaise


Soft Drink
You are welcome to bring alchol, please drink in moderation and not if you will be using tools

There is a pub virtually next door for any who want to go and get a couner meal (at your own expense). Not encouraging a booze up but likely will be a drink or two in the evening for any who BYO

If you have special dietary needs you can bring your own or let me know and if I can I will accommodate.

If you want to bring anything to contribute to the supplies you are welcome to do so. As some are travelling some distance this is by no means expected.

Life has a way of throwing all sorts of challnges at us. If you cant afford to contribute finacially or with provisions dont be put off, come anyway.

For those who want to donate a few $$ there will be a tin or jar somewhere. I dont need to know who did or didn't donate or how much. Just come and have a good time.

So far I have never been much out of pocket thanks to the generosity of those who do choose to support the event. On the Friday with potentially many more vistors things will take more planning.

Looking forward to another great weekend .

Smoking, I am not a smoker but others are. As for previous years please be mindful of your butts. The big one here is with kids around can we be mindful to avoid smoking around them while we doing a project with them

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

21st November 2017, 01:28 PM
I've pasted you here

I'm inCool. Will Jules be bringing her spinning wheel?

Oh. Got to get you over to the new thread

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

21st November 2017, 03:39 PM
Cool. Will Jules be bringing her spinning wheel?

I will ask her, Dave.

I will also see what I can come up with for something to do with the kids.

We will most likely spend the nights with our friends in Horsham as we have done in previous years, but if not we can drag a tent along.



Pac man
21st November 2017, 05:33 PM
Hi Dave,

I wont be available to come to the GTG.

I’m was going to pm you but your box was full as I’m concerned for people teaching if they or you don’t have insurance and a child gets injured at your event.
Also have you or othersconsidered the working with children legislation in Victoria?
http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check (http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check/exemptions/)
not suggesting that I know everything so you would need to seek advice. The above suggested in the spirit of the forum and not trying to push the nanny state agenda as you put your and other kids first and foremost.
Any way hope it goes well

21st November 2017, 06:03 PM
Also have you or othersconsidered the working with children legislation in Victoria?
http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check (http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check/exemptions/)

If you look here: Do I need a Check? - Working With Children Check, Victoria (http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/about+the+check/who+needs+a+check/do+i+need+a+check)

The first question of the self assessment: In which capacity are you working with or caring for children*?

The answer in this case would be: I
n an unpaid private/domestic capacity*

* Arrangements or agreements that exist between family and friends.

This response returns the answer: You do not need a WWC Check.

Nobody is being paid and it is a private social gathering at which parents or guardians of the children will be present anyway.



21st November 2017, 10:35 PM
Ye we think we're 78 percent certain we might should be there for sure almost.

Cheers Matt,

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21st November 2017, 10:37 PM
Ye we think we're 78 percent certain we might should be there for sure almost.

Cheers Matt,

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

KBs PensNmore
22nd November 2017, 12:12 AM
Count me in too, hope to get there Thursday afternoon/night to help with doing what ever's required.

Will probably get the kids to do scroll sawing of Beetle games for themselves, pretty sure I've a few stacks left over.
How are you off for Pen Blanks???
Will you be holding a raffle or some such fund raising???

22nd November 2017, 05:37 AM
Thanks Paul. Appreciate your interest and your desire to look out for everyone.

My understanding is as stated ny Doug for working with children.

Insurance is increasingly becoming an issue. I wilk try and find out about the Victorian woodworkers insursnce or what ever it is called. I believe they insure younfor public liability and teaching upto 3 people at once. Personally I habe no such insurance but skme atrending may want to get some as should I.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 05:39 AM
Ye we think we're 78 percent certain we might should be there for sure almost.

Cheers Matt,

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThats great Matt. See you this weekend at yours and soon back here
Count me in too, hope to get there Thursday afternoon/night to help with doing what ever's required.

Will probably get the kids to do scroll sawing of Beetle games for themselves, pretty sure I've a few stacks left over.
How are you off for Pen Blanks???
Will you be holding a raffle or some such fund raising???
KrynSounds good Kryn. Yes I have blanks but light on for pen kits. Might see if I can get some.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 09:26 AM
G'Day Dave,
Not sure about this year, we have a grandchild due in early January which from all accounts will need a operation to correct a heart issue once born.
It would be great to see everyone again BUT family always comes first.
Cheers, Peter

22nd November 2017, 09:40 AM
Thanks Paul. Appreciate your interest and your desire to look out for everyone.

My understanding is as stated ny Doug for working with children.

Insurance is increasingly becoming an issue. I wilk try and find out about the Victorian woodworkers insursnce or what ever it is called. I believe they insure younfor public liability and teaching upto 3 people at once. Personally I habe no such insurance but skme atrending may want to get some as should I.

Does the home schooling come with any sort of insurance cover that might oversee this type of activity?

22nd November 2017, 10:17 AM
Does the home schooling come with any sort of insurance cover that might oversee this type of activity?No but I may be able to get a one off policy thru Home Education Network

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 10:28 AM
Can the parents sign a wafer insurance thingy.
But I'm no expert here at all.

Cheers Matt

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22nd November 2017, 10:46 AM
Reading your comments re insurance Dave, have you looked at "Working with Kids" certificate issued through Australia Post. Not sure if itis required, but I was told I need it if I want to run photography courses for kids and it could cost about $120 per 'teacher'. There are exemptions, but I don't know - have not really looked into it and don't know if the "Home school" activity is exempt or not.

I will have to talk to you after Christmas, not sure that we will be able to attend. Will know more after Paul gets back from Philippines in January.


PS. I had not seen Doug's earlier post, but from what I was told re photography classes, it may be worth checking as the forum members may not qualify as 'family or friends'.

22nd November 2017, 12:28 PM
Can the parents sign a wafer insurance thingy.
But I'm no expert here at all.

Cheers Matt

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkDont think thdy hold much water. It will likely be done in the spitit of all our forum gtg's

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 12:33 PM
Reading your comments re insurance Dave, have you looked at "Working with Kids" certificate issued through Australia Post. Not sure if itis required, but I was told I need it if I want to run photography courses for kids and it could cost about $120 per 'teacher'. There are exemptions, but I don't know - have not really looked into it and don't know if the "Home school" activity is exempt or not.

I will have to talk to you after Christmas, not sure that we will be able to attend. Will know more after Paul gets back from Philippines in January.


PS. I had not seen Doug's earlier post, but from what I was told re photography classes, it may be worth checking as the forum members may not qualify as 'family or friends'.I think we can go friend of friend and you'll all be friends at the end [emoji6]

You all my friends and I have likewise established relationships with the varukus parents involved

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 02:47 PM
Unfortunately, once a can of worms is opened the only way to re-can them is to use a much larger can.

Now that there is a permanent record that participants have discussed this, if anything adverse happens (fingers and toes crossed it doesn't) some clever lawyer will make it his mission to prove that any decision we made as a group or Dave made as an individual was wrong.

I am still of the belief that all that is happening here is that Dave is inviting several friends to his place for an Australia Day celebration. As at any similar gathering, it is normal that not all of the guests will know one-another before the event. As at any similar event, adults and kids alike will take part in organised and spontaneous activities, whether they knew each other prior to the event or not. Nobody is being employed or contracted to run any activity that may take place. People hold gatherings like this all the time without insurance and blue cards.

But having said that, now that the can of worms is open and documented, it might be wise for Dave to shoot off a couple of emails to the relevant authorities detailing the circumstances accurately and truthfully so that he can have documented proof that the questions have been asked and answered by those who should know. These emails and responses could prove useful in the event of a problem.

Disclaimer - I am not a lawyer, but I know enough to know that law and common sense are not synonymous. Better safe than sorry.



KBs PensNmore
22nd November 2017, 03:34 PM
Dave, your in box is full, tried to send you a PM but gets bounced back.

Will you please empty some out!


22nd November 2017, 04:34 PM
Jerilderie Jaunt and Watcha Dooen at Dooen? This is my 5th anniversary and we are shaking things up a little bit.

Fri 26 Jan
Sat 26 Jan
Sun 28 Jan

To start off this year will be a tribute to our dearly departed Reploconics aka Trev or Trevor Jones. He may be gone but his spirit lives on!

Dave, I am happy to help with this as we discussed several month's ago. I am thinking of a slide show of our favourite "Trev's images". If you are happy to go with this could you and other members post details of your favourite images from the "Reploconics" thread in the Woodworking Photography sub-forum ( I would need at least the date that Trevor posted the image, post number and image number or similary to identify the image). I will download them and compile them into a slideshow. Similarly if anyone has a tribute that they would like included, please pass that on to me also.

If there are any other suggestions rather than a slideshow, please post them here for consideration - I suggest the final decision be left with Dave.


22nd November 2017, 04:39 PM
Dave, I am happy to help with this as we discussed several month's ago. I am thinking of a slide show of our favourite "Trev's images". If you are happy to go with this could you and other members post details of your favourite images from the "Reploconics" thread in the Woodworking Photography sub-forum ( I would need at least the date that Trevor posted the image, post number and image number or similary to identify the image). I will download them and compile them into a slideshow. Similarly if anyone has a tribute that they would like included, please pass that on to me also.

If there are any other suggestions rather than a slideshow, please post them here for consideration - I suggest the final decision be left with Dave.


G'Day Bob, I have a few photos of Trevor from Katoomba and Jerilderie plus a number of others, might be best to post a memory stick, Cheers, Peter

22nd November 2017, 04:42 PM
Thanks Bob,

Slideshow would be great. Happy to run with some other ideas too if any have some.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 04:43 PM
G'Day Bob, I have a few photos of Trevor from Katoomba and Jerilderie plus a number of others, might be best to post a memory stick, Cheers, PeterThat would be appreciated too Crowie along with any others that may have pics

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd November 2017, 04:43 PM
As you know I’ll be there.
Looking forward to meeting you and others :)

22nd November 2017, 06:24 PM
Does the home schooling come with any sort of insurance cover that might oversee this type of activity?Any chance you will make this one?

GTG that is

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

23rd November 2017, 10:30 AM
Just looking at how I can incorporate it in some travels at the moment. Would love to be there.

23rd November 2017, 01:07 PM
Just looking at how I can incorporate it in some travels at the moment. Would love to be there.Would be great to see you again. If you are travelling with fam etc they are welcome too

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Uncle Al
23rd November 2017, 03:29 PM
Would be great to see you again. Id yiu are travellinf wirh fam etc they arw welcime too

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
I just tried Google translate on the above, but I think I broke it!

I reckon I will be a starter, not sure of the details as yet, but will work them out in the next few days.


27th November 2017, 06:36 AM
I just tried Google translate on the above, but I think I broke it!

I reckon I will be a starter, not sure of the details as yet, but will work them out in the next few days.

Alan...You know me Al ....

I tried to cover the evidence bybediting my post but alas I could not edit you quote lol

Will be great to see you again.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Uncle Al
2nd January 2018, 08:33 PM
A bit over 3 weeks to the GTG, have you got that lawn nice and neat Dave?
Accommodation is booked, all set to go, but just me coming from Sydney at the moment.

I assume your workshop is neat and tidy, and freshly vacuumed ready for the hoardes.:D

See Ya at Dooen.


2nd January 2018, 09:01 PM
A bit over 3 weeks to the GTG, have you got that lawn nice and neat Dave?
Accommodation is booked, all set to go, but just me coming from Sydney at the moment.

I assume your workshop is neat and tidy, and freshly vacuumed ready for the hoardes.:D

See Ya at Dooen.


Tools razor sharp beverages in the fridge (top shelf gin).
Parking attendants ready
And fine home made chocolates too please.

Cheers Matt

2nd January 2018, 09:07 PM
A bit over 3 weeks to the GTG, have you got that lawn nice and neat Dave?
Accommodation is booked, all set to go, but just me coming from Sydney at the moment.

I assume your workshop is neat and tidy, and freshly vacuumed ready for the hoardes.:D

See Ya at Dooen.

Alan...Im desperarely hoping to have lawn in ..... not looking good as need to get skme concrete done first .

Hmmm well the cave is not tooooo bad. A little work and it will be up ti scratch.

The bungalow / shed conversion is co.ing along well. Maybr sleeping in it come the GTG

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

2nd January 2018, 09:45 PM
Everyone must be starting to think about the Dooen Weekend.

The friends we stay with in Horsham called yesterday to make sure we were coming to visit them.

Any updates on the schedule of events?

2nd January 2018, 09:46 PM
Everyone must be starting to think about the Dooen Weekend.

The friends we stay with in Horsham called yesterday to make sure we were coming to visit them.

Any updates on the schedule of events?Ill work on it over the weekend

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

3rd January 2018, 03:18 PM
Hi, I have been sporadically reading the forum, picked up and used info and tips;
at the local men's shed in Loxton; from the various categories. This weekend sounds like a great way to get to know some of the members. I guess what I am saying is... Can I come too !!!...


3rd January 2018, 04:53 PM
Hi, I have been sporadically reading the forum, picked up and used info and tips;
at the local men's shed in Loxton; from the various categories. This weekend sounds like a great way to get to know some of the members. I guess what I am saying is... Can I come too !!!...

Doug.Sure can. Partners amd kids welcome too.

I will send you the address soon bit it is Dooen, Vic. There is prob less than a dozen houses there so not hard to find

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

3rd January 2018, 05:04 PM
I thought we had a one Doug limit :oo:

3rd January 2018, 05:52 PM
I thought we had a one Doug limit :oo:

You will remain Doug and the other will be known as Doug2. :U

KBs PensNmore
3rd January 2018, 06:16 PM
Welcome DougC, if you hit the trainline after the pub, you've gone too far, DAMHIKT.:D Look forward to meeting you.:2tsup:

Uncle Al
3rd January 2018, 08:20 PM
Driving in to Dooen and driving out of Dooen happen pretty well at the same time if you are travelling faster than 30kph.:D
This will be the 3rd GTG at Dave's Dooen abode, and everyone seemed to find it without any trouble, even if you do get to the pub, which seems to be the only business in town. The town's population will probably double during the GTG.
It will be great to meet up with Benny and Doug2 and any other first timers, it is a very relaxed and enjoyable day.


3rd January 2018, 09:09 PM
it is a very relaxed and enjoyable day.


Im sure hoping for more than a day [emoji2]

All 3 would be great

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

3rd January 2018, 09:45 PM
Looks like a good chance I will be there, anyone wanting a lift down and back are most welcome, just pm me

3rd January 2018, 09:48 PM
Looks like a good chance I will be there, anyone wanting a lift down and back are most welcome, just pm meMore good news ... it keeps getting better

Maybe we can finish that work bench from last year [emoji6]

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

4th January 2018, 09:24 AM
I just booked 3 days in Horsham. See you all soon :U

4th January 2018, 09:25 AM
I just booked 3 days in Horsham. See you all soon :-)Looking forward to it

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

4th January 2018, 05:18 PM
Do we have a who's who's list yet any big names lol.

Cheers Matt

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5th January 2018, 03:16 PM
Do we have a who's who's list yet any big names lol.

Cheers Matt

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkSimplicity
Sally and more

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

5th January 2018, 03:21 PM
Sally and more

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Wow I got top of list awesome.

I let you tell Sally she got second,[emoji12]

7th January 2018, 03:23 PM
With less than 3 weeks to go plans are coming along nicely. In no particular order some of those coming include

Simplicity & Sally
Oldgreybeard & Maureen
Doug3030 & Jules
Benny_ & his family (not sure, mum dad and a sibling?)
DaveTTC, Raechell, Tyler, Sammy & Tommy
At least two more experienced turners confirmed.
David Mitchell has come the last couple of years so will chase him up too unless someone else does first

Some im not sure of
Brendan Stemp
Geof Ford
Gabriel definite wannabe. Will if he can
Dallas aks Treecycle

There will be some from my local woodturning club and maybe a few from Jerilderie area too.

Add to that we have our homeschoolers

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

7th January 2018, 03:33 PM
Looks like being a great weekend

7th January 2018, 05:08 PM
Looks like a great turn up.
And my ego is still singing cause I'm on top the list still WOW.

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7th January 2018, 08:31 PM
Okay all sorted, I will be there from late Friday morning and most of Saturday.

7th January 2018, 08:32 PM
Okay all sorted, I will be there from late Friday morning and most of Saturday.Cool ... that is good news.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Wimmera Jack
7th January 2018, 08:35 PM
Dave. I have sent a PM but your PM message box is full.



7th January 2018, 08:36 PM
My inbox is full and there are a number of messages I dont want to delete. Have not yet learnt how to move them to my phone.

For any trying to get in touch feel free to ring or text me on 0402125935

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

7th January 2018, 08:37 PM
Dave. I have sent a PM but your PM message box is full.


JohnG'day John. If you want to text me im happy to call you back. 0402125935

Just cleared some mailbox room too

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

7th January 2018, 09:09 PM
Edited list

With less than 3 weeks to go plans are coming along nicely. In no particular order some of those coming include

Simplicity & Sally
Oldgreybeard & Maureen
Doug3030 & Jules
Wimmera Jack & Co
Benny_ & his family (not sure, mum dad and a sibling?)
DaveTTC, Raechell, Tyler, Sammy & Tommy
At least two more experienced turners confirmed.
David Mitchell has come the last couple of years so will chase him up too unless someone else does first

Some im not sure of
Brendan Stemp
Geof Ford
Gabriel definite wannabe. Will if he can

There will be some from my local woodturning club and maybe a few from Jerilderie area too.

Add to that we have our homeschoolers

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 12:20 PM
Getting closer

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8th January 2018, 12:31 PM
Dolls furniture?

If anyone has some ideas there will be a 10yr old girl here on the Friday who might like to make some dolls furniture. Any takers?

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Uncle Al
8th January 2018, 01:10 PM

Amy takers?
Now you need to add Amy to the list of attendees:D


8th January 2018, 01:37 PM
Dolls furniture?

If anyone has some ideas there will be a 10yr old girl here on the Friday who might like to make some dolls furniture. Any takers?

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Check out the Cooroy Toymaker as he does rustic dolls furniture....


http://www.woodworkforums.com/members/64964-albums-1002 (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f174/cooroy-toymakers-album-129294)


8th January 2018, 02:06 PM
Thx Al

There is always someone to keep me honest .

Her name is actually Lydia

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 02:12 PM
Check out the Cooroy Toymaker as he does rustic dolls furniture....


http://www.woodworkforums.com/members/64964-albums-1002 (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f174/cooroy-toymakers-album-129294)

https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Cooroy+Toymaker&safe=active&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjl2tjLqsfYAhUKxbwKHZ2GDRoQsAQINQ&biw=1480&bih=842&dpr=1.09If no one else wants to take it on I'll jave to do some research. Thx for the link crowie

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 05:22 PM
Lydia makes movies with Littlest Pet shop toys. So the furniture would be as props for those. Not sure the size of these toys. Once more I'll do some research unless someone beats me to it

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 07:50 PM
Any other activity s planed for the grown up kids

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8th January 2018, 09:17 PM
Any other activity s planed for the grown up kids

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkChasing another thread chasing demo from one of my turning club members

Also a production turner showing how to do repeat work. Likely coffee table legs.

There is bound to be some pen turning.

Do you want to bring your router table again?

We may have some group build or scrap heap challenge etc.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 09:26 PM
Chasing another thread chasing demo from one of my turning club members

Also a production turner showing how to do repeat work. Likely coffee table legs.

There is bound to be some pen turning.

Do you want to bring your router table again?

We may have some group build or scrap heap challenge etc.

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

Sorry router table is out of action at present.
And won't be going for a bit[emoji853]
Other wise would have put it in.

Cheers Matt

8th January 2018, 10:00 PM
We may have some group build or scrap heap challenge etc.

If there's going to be the scrap heap challenge I will probably bring my Arbortec tools along again. I have done a few jobs with them since last time. :2tsup:

8th January 2018, 10:03 PM
If there's going to be the scrap heap challenge I will probably bring my Arbortec tools along again. I have done a few jobs with them since last time. :2tsup:

Don't hit anything metallic again tho.

8th January 2018, 10:03 PM
If there's going to be the scrap heap challenge I will probably bring my Arbortec tools along again. I have done a few jobs with them since last time. :2tsup:Good idea ... bring it

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 10:06 PM
Don't hit anything metallic again tho.You read my mind

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

8th January 2018, 10:24 PM
Don't hit anything metallic again tho.

:rolleyes: :booboo:

dai sensei
9th January 2018, 12:56 PM
I'll be there.

Bringing a lathe and hopefully a heap of Olive Burl blanks for sale. If anyone wants specific sizes cut let me know, but I currently plan mainly 200-300 dia x 75-150 thick, 75SQx350, 50sqx150, pen blanks and scraps

9th January 2018, 01:57 PM
I'll be there.

Bringing a lathe and hopefully a heap of Olive Burl blanks for sale. If anyone wants specific sizes cut let me know, but I currently plan mainly 200-300 dia x 75-150 thick, 75SQx350, 50sqx150, pen blanks and scraps

Immmmmm nice [emoji106]

9th January 2018, 03:56 PM
I'll be there.

Bringing a lathe and hopefully a heap of Olive Burl blanks for sale. If anyone wants specific sizes cut let me know, but I currently plan mainly 200-300 dia x 75-150 thick, 75SQx350, 50sqx150, pen blanks and scraps

Hi Neil,

I'm still looking for that elusive nice piece of olive for a mortar and pestle. Something around 200mm diameter and at least 150 thick would be wonderful for the mortar, I would probably want something a bit bigger than 50x50x150 for the pestle though, if you finish up with a suitable piece, otherwise I can make do with 75x75 and I can cut a couple of pen blanks off of it as well (oops - did I say that out loud :oo:)



9th January 2018, 05:50 PM
Hi Neil,

I'm still looking for that elusive nice piece of olive for a mortar and pestle. Something around 200mm diameter and at least 150 thick would be wonderful for the mortar, I would probably want something a bit bigger than 50x50x150 for the pestle though, if you finish up with a suitable piece, otherwise I can make do with 75x75 and I can cut a couple of pen blanks off of it as well (oops - did I say that out loud :oo:)



I just new it.
Yep definitely some black magic or sorcery going on in this forum.

I just new it.

Cheers Matt

9th January 2018, 10:32 PM
Another update

With less than 3 weeks to go plans are coming along nicely. In no particular order some of those coming include

Simplicity & Sally
Oldgreybeard & Maureen
Doug3030 & Jules
Rwbuild & Wayne
Benny_ & his family (not sure, mum dad and a sibling?)
DaveTTC, Raechell, Tyler, Sammy & Tommy
David Mitchell will be up Sat or Sun
Dia Sensei plus one

Some im not sure of
Brendan Stemp
Geof Ford
Gabriel definite wannabe. Will if he can

There will be some from my local woodturning club and maybe a few from Jerilderie area too.

Add to that we have our homeschoolers

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

12th January 2018, 11:09 AM
Getting closer.

Getting a good feeling about cuffy. Je should be there.

David Mitchell will be up from Arrarat on Saturday. He'll have some interesting projects to share along with plans and maybe even a demo

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

15th January 2018, 07:02 PM
Sorry to have to pull out due an unexpected death in the family. As the coroner is involved, the funeral is likely to be late next week.
Hope you all have an enjoyable few days.


15th January 2018, 07:12 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news Bob, hope that all goes as well as it can in these kind of circumstances


15th January 2018, 07:56 PM
Sorry to have to pull out due an unexpected death in the family. As the coroner is involved, the funeral is likely to be late next week.
Hope you all have an enjoyable few days.


Sorry to hear the sad news Bob,
Condolences to the family


15th January 2018, 08:16 PM
Sorry to have to pull out due an unexpected death in the family. As the coroner is involved, the funeral is likely to be late next week.
Hope you all have an enjoyable few days.


Condolences to all concerned

15th January 2018, 09:25 PM
Sorry to have to pull out due an unexpected death in the family. As the coroner is involved, the funeral is likely to be late next week.
Hope you all have an enjoyable few days.

BobYou will ne missed. Thoufhta with you and Maureen. Take care

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

dai sensei
15th January 2018, 09:43 PM
Hi Neil,

I'm still looking for that elusive nice piece of olive for a mortar and pestle. Something around 200mm diameter and at least 150 thick would be wonderful for the mortar, I would probably want something a bit bigger than 50x50x150 for the pestle though, if you finish up with a suitable piece, otherwise I can make do with 75x75 and I can cut a couple of pen blanks off of it as well (oops - did I say that out loud :oo:)



The burl seems to be 4 trunks/burls connected by a crap load of tangled roots. I took my first slice today between two burls and it took 3 sharpens as I hit a heap of dirt pockets (black bits in photo). So I've ordered a TCT chain for my chainsaw and hope I can get it cut up in time but I'm not sure.

The bandsaw has been fitted with a new 1" TCT blade I ordered but I had to make up a new guide system as the one on the bandsaw was not adjustable and only suited a 10mm blade.

15th January 2018, 10:00 PM
The burl seems to be 4 trunks/burls connected by a crap load of tangled roots. I took my first slice today between two burls and it took 3 sharpens as I hit a heap of dirt pockets (black bits in photo). So I've ordered a TCT chain for my chainsaw and hope I can get it cut up in time but I'm not sure.

The bandsaw has been fitted with a new 1" TCT blade I ordered but I had to make up a new guide system as the one on the bandsaw was not adjustable and only suited a 10mm blade.

Bring it via my place Neil - 21 inch bandsaw with 1" 2tpi tungsten carbide blade.

18th January 2018, 08:04 AM
Its getting closer. Hope everyones plans are going well. A scorcher here today and tomorrow. 41 and 44°

Fortunately only in 30ies for the weekend at this stage

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

18th January 2018, 08:44 AM
Keep cool gents.

18th January 2018, 09:31 AM
40 where I am already and 42 tomorrow! Too hot for me ;)

18th January 2018, 09:46 AM
40 where I am already and 42 tomorrow! Too hot for me ;)We gonna need icecream for the weekend

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

18th January 2018, 09:55 AM
We gonna need icecream for the weekend

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

AND a big fridge to keep both the icecream and the family while they enjoy it!!

dai sensei
18th January 2018, 06:06 PM
Bring it via my place Neil - 21 inch bandsaw with 1" 2tpi tungsten carbide blade.

I've set-up the big bandsaw here with a 1" 1.3tpi TCT blade already. My TCT chainsaw chain turned up today so hopefully I can get back to blank cutting asap. Work and a bowl for my sister are getting in the way

18th January 2018, 06:34 PM
If you're game to tackle some dirty wood I have an olive stump I'd love to see chopped up too

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

18th January 2018, 07:29 PM
If you're game to tackle some dirty wood I have an olive stump I'd love to see chopped up too

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art


22nd January 2018, 08:04 AM
Hi guys and gals,
Good to hear that plans are progressing and the weather will be kind.

I had hoped to talk to people about my forthcoming education series on the photography forum - starts from the real basics and will cover subjects which would even be of interest to users of the latest smart phones (arrgh!! didn't think I would ever say that).

Anyhow it starts next month and details are here
A message from Bob - PhotoForums (http://photoforums.com.au/forum/photographic-help/tutorials/getting-to-know-your-camera/7838-a-message-from-bob)
Plenty of room for more starters.

Enjoy the weekend.

22nd January 2018, 08:13 AM
Forgot to mention you will need to register again on the photoforum as it uses a different version of the vBulletin software - still part of the Ubeaut suite of forums though.


22nd January 2018, 10:28 AM
Real photography with a phone .... cant wait.

I may need a reminder after the GTG

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd January 2018, 12:10 PM
It's gonna be a hot weekend:

Forecast for Horsham:
Friday 26 - 41 degrees
Saturday 27 - 42 degrees
Sunday 28 - 43 degrees

Forecast for Darwin:
Friday 26 - 31 degrees
Saturday 27 - 31 degrees
Sunday 28 - 31 degrees

Can we hold it in Darwin instead? :rolleyes:

22nd January 2018, 12:17 PM
I wish lol.

I'll have to do a gofund me thing and see if I can get a pool for future years.

My app says 39°, 42° & 42°

Lets hope it keeps dropping

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

22nd January 2018, 12:31 PM
My app says 39°, 42° & 42°

Lets hope it keeps dropping

It might be difficult to drag ourselves out of the air conditioning at our friends' place where we stay.

Anyway Dave, I plan to arrive sometime after lunch on the Thursday. Jools was going to travel with me but she has a new role at work and is very busy so she canceled her annual leave for Thursday and is heading up on the train and bus after work. I pick her up from the bus in Horsham around 10pm so she will be there Friday morning onwards as far as the GTG goes.