View Full Version : Robbos Tip of the Week

22nd July 1999, 09:11 PM
How many times have you been doing the final cut on your masterpiece when your chisel gets stuck on your tool rest? Generally the result is a dig in or at least having to do another cut from start to finish.

This can be caused by a couple of things: a nick in the rest caused by a chisel leaving a groove (parting tool is good at this) or a build up of sap or other garbage.

In our place we clean the rests with thinners first and then take out all nicks with draw filing. To do this place a good quality file at nearly right angles to the rest and applying light pressure pull the file toward you. This will remove most nicks in a couple of passes. Do this at different angles to maintain the radius on the top of the rest (WHAT, you don't have a radius? Well you should have.) If you really have bad indentations use a power sander to remove the bad ones. After filing use about #180 paper to finish along the length of the rest to polish it. Clean off with thinners and wax it lightly. We use a product called SieberGleit, stuff that is exceptionally slippery and used for saw tables, jointers, band saw tables etc.

My tool rests are all treated like this as soon as I make or buy them. Very few proprietry rests are the right shape but with a little effort they can be made much more user friendly.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

[This message has been edited by (edited 22 July 1999).]

23rd July 1999, 10:20 AM
Gedday doorstop. I think you spelt the location of the pleasure dome backwards Ray

23rd July 1999, 07:33 PM
Gooday, you two. I have widened the doors to allow my swollen head to get through. Have raised the roof too because I feel about 10',(sorry 3.3 metres for Croweaters) tall. As you can tell I was glad to finish the job.Three months is a long time to work at one task. Must admit I would do it again in a second but on my terms.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

23rd July 1999, 08:51 PM
G'day Boofhead. Oops! Sorry! Big Head.

U and Beaut will be down to the pleasure dome tomorrow bearging gifts from the Gods. Namely your new 36mm fine detailing gouge and a small 50mm roughing gouge, sharpened and ready for immediate use.

Hope the pleasure dome is big enough for both of our ego's and the wonderful Beaut.


[This message has been edited by ubeaut (edited 23 July 1999).]

24th July 1999, 11:36 AM
Doorstop. Yes Yes YES! Ray