View Full Version : Cork Suppliers?

22nd March 2018, 08:18 AM
Hi All,

I am in the process of making some place mats and coasters for the kitchen table, and need some thin cork sheet to glue to the base to stop potential scratching.

I have looked locally, but cannot find any suppliers of smaller quantities. Any suggestions for Victoria welcomed.

Thanks all.

22nd March 2018, 08:56 AM
I wanted some cork sheet for a project and found some in a tile shop, maybe worth a look over there in Oz.

22nd March 2018, 09:15 AM
Embletons in Bakers Rd, North Coburg used to sell sheet cork - not sure if they still do. Some years ago I bought some 1/8 inch from them to use as under tracks on a model railway.
Hope that helps.

22nd March 2018, 10:13 AM
Tile shop as has been suggested, and/or floor covering shop. A number of years ago I made notice boards out of 300mm square cork floor tiles about 10mm thick, the best for drawing pins but I also bought a pack of very thin self stick tiles which were only about 1 to 2mm thick which should be perfect for under place mats etc, not good enough for notice boards though.

artful bodger
22nd March 2018, 10:41 AM
A couple of years ago you could get cork gasket sheets from places like repco, sparco etc

22nd March 2018, 01:18 PM

22nd March 2018, 01:41 PM


22nd March 2018, 05:38 PM
Isn't it always the way, I didn't think to check eBay. :rolleyes:

Thanks all for the responses.

Midnight Man
22nd March 2018, 06:43 PM
I knew I had a link somewhere :)

I found these whan I was planning on making some placemats from some photos I was going to have taken...

Clutter Craft - Folk Art & Decoupage Suppliers & CNC Cutting Services (http://www.cluttercraft.com.au/corkplacemat/)

22nd March 2018, 08:44 PM
Isn't it always the way, I didn't think to check eBay. :rolleyes:

Thanks all for the responses.

Not that eBay is necessarily the best place for price though cava , there is a huge range there though and some of it looks like its cheap enough .

I was surprised last week when I was looking up Makita Belt sanders on eBay . The 9924Db model is around $450 to $600 :oo: . Ive never really looked at any before that . Then I happened to be at a up market hardware store and timber yard in Tooronga Melbourne last Saturday buying some Pine and I thought Id go see their Makita belt sanders to compare .
Well I'll be ######!! is what I thought when I saw $379 .


22nd March 2018, 10:11 PM
cava......this place is not far from you.....

Cork Sheets, Cork Rolls, Cork Underlay, Cork Notice Boards (http://www.corkfloors.com.au/cork-underlay-cork-sheets-noticeboard.html)

Unit 5, 16 Rosemary Crt
Mulgrave Vic 3170

Cork Samples can be viewed

Phone: (03) 9561 9711

22nd March 2018, 10:21 PM
Hi All,

I am in the process of making some place mats and coasters for the kitchen table, and need some thin cork sheet to glue to the base to stop potential scratching.

I have looked locally, but cannot find any suppliers of smaller quantities. Any suggestions for Victoria welcomed.

Thanks all.

If you get desperate, Westfloors in Brisbane. Operated by a husband and wife team and they have been around for years. Our High School buys the thin cork (0.6mm) in sheets sized around 900mm x 600mm and I affix them to ply sheets by a Selleys spray adhesive and they are cut on the laser into coasters.


I know they are outside Victoria but they will mail it to you.

23rd March 2018, 05:56 AM
Or Spotlight. They do cork place matts, coasters and sheet rolls.

23rd March 2018, 08:49 AM
Our High School buys the thin cork (0.6mm) in sheets sized around 900mm x 600mm and I affix them to ply sheets by a Selleys spray adhesive and they are cut on the laser into coasters.

0.6 mm is quite thin, which brings up another question as to what thickness to go for.

Originally I was considering 2 mm, but may have to renovate my ideas on this. Any suggestions?

23rd March 2018, 11:11 AM
Tile/flooring shop. I got my last ones, 3 mm thick, from K-Mart.

23rd March 2018, 12:48 PM
Cava what you are after is not true cork but a cork composite.There are bits of cork and rubber glued together.Go to your local auto suppliers and get what they use for gaskets.Comes in many thicknesses and a few colours.I was using this stuff for inlays between cork rings when i was building custom fishing rods.Have a look at cork4us .You would have to get it imported from Portugal if you want the real deal and they would be mighty expensive coasters.


16th April 2018, 11:38 AM
Another quick question regarding glueing the cork to the timber.

What is the best way to do this?

I was considering PVA (as I have some doing nothing) which would allow for a greater open time over a aerosol spray adhesive.

Any thoughts on this approach, or should I look for other options?

19th April 2018, 09:00 AM
Cava when I was gluing up the cork rings to build rod grips these were done on a mandrel.Some of the rod builders were using cork and wood together and a lot were using titebond 3 as it is supposedly waterproof.


19th April 2018, 11:47 AM
Another quick question regarding glueing the cork to the timber.

What is the best way to do this?

I was considering PVA (as I have some doing nothing) which would allow for a greater open time over a aerosol spray adhesive.

Any thoughts on this approach, or should I look for other options?

Hi Cava

I have successfully used three different glues, no real preference.

PVA - works fine but requires clamping until dry.
peal ply contact adhesive - commercial tiles that you peal off the backing ply and then stck 'em down.
contact adhesive that comes in a tin.

Both types of contact adhesive, you just position the cork tile (or segment) and hammer down. Sticks instantly, but also sticks if you put it in the wrong position!

PVA is more foregiving, but you must use clamps and then wait for it to dry.



19th April 2018, 06:35 PM
Have used PVA - Titebond 1 or 2 are fine, 3 if you need waterproof. Just clamp lightly between a board & the bench or two boards.

19th April 2018, 09:58 PM
As Alex said just sandwich between 2 boards same as veneering you could put a heavy weight on top evenly of course.And wax the boards lightly so you don't get them sticking to your work.


22nd April 2018, 03:08 AM
I have recently ordered some cork shelf liner on Amazon (the US site) my experience of the Australian site is that it is rubbish. it was relatively inexpensive under US$10 per roll plus a similar amount for shipping The roll is 18" wide and 4 foot long. I have not received it as yet but is said to be adhesive backed and has positive reviews. Just search the US site for cork shelf liner.

All the best